Format results
Introduction; Computing environment at Perimeter
Erik Schnetter Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:12020140 -
Coarse graining spin nets with tensor networks
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:12020142 -
Computational methods: (Now with data)
PIRSA:12020143 -
Feature-finding in the cosmic microwave background
Matthew Johnson York University
The Tyranny of Scale: Making Simple Problems Hard
Avery Broderick University of Waterloo
How Good is "good enough" for Gravitational-wave Templates?
Michele Vallisneri California Institute of Technology
Modeling the Inspiral, Merger and Ringdown of Compact Binaries: Successes and Open Questions
Alessandra Buonanno Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
The mechanics of open systems and applications in effective field theory
Chad Galley California Institute of Technology
Perturbative Classical Field Theory
Barak Kol Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tidal deformations of a Schwarzschild black hole via effective field theory approach.
Misha Smolkin Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Post-Newtonian equations of motion and radiation (standard approach)
Luc Blanchet Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Recent Developments in Generalized ADM Formalism for the Dynamics of Compact Binaries with Spin
Gerhard Schaefer Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Emergence as Novel Explanation: Statistical Mechanics vs. Quantum Field Theory
Doreen Fraser University of Waterloo
PIRSA:10100097 -
Concepts of Emergence Appropriate for Effective Field Theories
Jon Bain New York University (NYU)
PIRSA:11100054 -
Emergence and Minimal Models in Condensed Matter Physics and Biology
Nigel Goldenfeld University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
PIRSA:11100055 -
Arguments for the Emergence of Spacetime Topology
Gordon Belot University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
PIRSA:11100058 -
Pedagogical Introduction to Tensor Networks: MPS, PEPS and MERA
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:11100075 -
Simulation of Fermionic and Frustrated Systems with 2D Tensor Networks
Philippe Corboz Universiteit van Amsterdam
PIRSA:11100084 -
Perimeter Institute Pedagogical Introduction: Tensor Networks and Geometry, the Renormalization Group and AdS/CFT
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:10100098 -
A Tour of the Direct Detection Landscape
Neal Weiner New York University (NYU)
Wandering in the Dark
Kris Sigurdson University of British Columbia
Our Self-Annihilating Neighbours
James Taylor University of Waterloo
Substructure, Sommerfeld, and CR Signals
Tracy Slatyer Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Aspects of the Generalized Unitarity Method
Radu Roiban Pennsylvania State University
PIRSA:11080017 -
Towards 3-Point Correlation Functions of Heavy Operators
Romuald Janik Jagiellonian University
PIRSA:11080044 -
Aspects of Quantum Pohlmeyer Reduced Theory for AdS5 x S5 Superstring
Arkady Tseytlin Imperial College London
PIRSA:11080025 -
Euclidean Wilson Loops and Riemann Theta Functions
Martin Kruczenski Purdue University
PIRSA:11080043 -
Fermionic Basis of Local Fields in the Sine-Gordon Model
Michio Jimbo University of Tokyo
PIRSA:11080048 -
On the Ratio of the Viscosity to Entropy Density for Quantum Gases in the Unitary Limit
Andre LeClair Cornell University
Leaving Behind N=4 SYM: Why are Three Loops Interesting?
Christoph Sieg Humboldt University of Berlin
PIRSA:11080026 -
Reductions of the Self-Duality Equations, Twistors and Integrability
Lionel Mason University of Oxford
PIRSA:11080030 -
Intro to Scattering Amplitudes
Freddy Cachazo Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:11070093 -
Intro to Mathematica, example
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:11070095 -
Mathematica Presentations 2
PIRSA:11070100 -
Tools for Evaluating Loop Integrals
Johannes Henn Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
PIRSA:11080003 -
Opening Address
PIRSA:11060098 -
Neutron Stars and Fundamental Physics
PIRSA:11070048 -
Panel Discussion
Catherine Kallin McMaster University
Sarah Shandera Pennsylvania State University
Melanie Campbell Guelph-Waterloo Physics Institute
Marianne Fedunkiw York University
PIRSA:11070085 -
Determination of Total C18O Column Density in Orion KL
Aida Ahmadi University of Calgary
PIRSA:11070050 -
Searching for Neutron Stars in Disguise with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory
Alina Chen He McGill University
PIRSA:11070051 -
Gamma Ray Bursts and the Principle of Relative Locality
Anna McCoy Argonne National Laboratory
Eternal Inflation and it's Implications
Alan Guth Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Is Eternal Inflation in Our Past?
Ben Freivogel Universiteit van Amsterdam
Holographic Cosmology Part 1
Willy Fischler The University of Texas at Austin
First observational tests of eternal inflation
Hiranya Peiris University of Cambridge
Holographic multiverse and the measure problem
Alexander Vilenkin Tufts University
Inside the horizon with holographic Wilsonian RG
Hong Liu Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Lessons on Quantum Supergravity from Six-Dimensions
Daniel Park Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
The semiclassical wavefunction of the universe near de Sitter space
Juan Maldacena Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
Neutron Star Mass and Radius Constraints for the Dense Matter Equation of State
James Lattimer Stony Brook University
Equation of State and Neutrino Opacity in Core Collapse Supernova
Gang Shen Los Alamos National Laboratory
Three-nucleon forces: From neutron matter to neutron stars
Kai Hebeler Ohio State University
Spin-polarized low-density neutron matter
Alexandros Gezerlis University of Guelph
An effective theory for the neutron star inner crust
Rishi Sharma TRIUMF (Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics)
Excitation of Neutron Star Modes During Binary
David Tsang California Institute of Technology
Workshop: Computational Methods at Perimeter - 2012
Workshop: Computational Methods at Perimeter -
Effective Field Theory and Gravitational Physics Conference - 2011
Effective Field Theory and Gravitational Physics Conference -
Emergence and Effective Field Theories Conference - 2011
Emergence and Effective Field Theories Conference -
Tensor Networks for Quantum Field Theories Conference - 2011
Tensor Networks for Quantum Field Theories Conference -
Unravelling Dark Matter Conference - 2011
Unravelling Dark Matter Conference -
Integrability in Gauge/String Theories
Integrability in Gauge/String Theories -
Exact Results in Gauge/Gravity Dualities Workshop - 2011
Exact Results in Gauge/Gravity Dualities Workshop -
Women in Physics Canada Conference - 2011
Women in Physics Canada -
Challenges for Early Universe Cosmology - 2011
Challenges for Early Universe Cosmology -
Holographic Cosmology v2.0 - 2011
Holographic Cosmology v2.0 -
Microphysics in computational relativistic astrophysics - 2011
Microphysics in computational relativistic astrophysics