Format results
Recent Applications of the Gauge/Gravity Correspondence to QCD and Condensed Matter Physics
A. Karch (University of Washington)strings:20121001 -
Why General Relativity is like a High Temperature Superconductor
G. Horowitz (UC, Santa Barbara)strings:20121006 -
New Horizons in Finite Density Field Theory and String Theory
S. Kachru (Stanford University/SLAC)strings:20121010 -
RG and unitarity in spacetime-dependent QFT
E. Silverstein (Stanford University/SLAC)strings:20121004
Resource dependence relations
Yìlè Yīng Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Extremal black holes in higher derivative gravity
Ashoke Sen (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)strings:20051008 -
Geometry quantization from supergravity
Vyacheslav Rychkov (ITFA, Universiteit van Amsterdam)strings:20051045 -
The Generalized Complex Geometry of Supersymmetry
Alessandro Tomasiello (ITP, Stanford University)strings:20051002 -
Towards Matter Inflation in Heterotic String Theory
Sebastian Halter Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut)
The Eddington Limit in Cosmic Rays
Aristotle Socrates Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Resonant Tunneling in Superfluid Helium-3
Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Illuminating the 130 GeV Gamma Line with Continuum Photons
Miriangela Lisanti Princeton University
Machine Learning Renormalization Group (VIRTUAL)
Yi-Zhuang You University of California, San Diego
Scaling Limits of Bayesian Inference with Deep Neural Networks
Boris Hanin Princeton University
Measure Transport Perspectives on Sampling, Generative Modeling, and Beyond
Michael Albergo New York University (NYU)
Neural-network quantum states for ultra-cold Fermi gases
Jane Kim Ohio University
Scalar and Grassmann Neural Network Field Theory
Anindita Maiti Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Secrets of the Universe – Hiding in Plain Sight?
Neil Turok University of Edinburgh
The Meaning of Spacetime - Public Lecture
Juan Maldacena Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
PIRSA:23070055 -
An Enlightening Evening of Dark Matter
Katie Mack Perimeter Institute
Ken Clark Queen's University
PIRSA:22100150 -
Secrets of the Universe
Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez University of California, Davis
Fundamentals of quantum mechanics and particle physics
Frisch, Otto Robert
AI methods for quantum circuit transpiling and optimization
David Kremer Garcia
Tensor Network
This series consists of occasional seminars on Tensor Networks, ranging from algorithms to their application in condensed matter, quantum gravity, or high energy physics. Each seminar starts with a gentle introduction to the subject under discussion. Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate with questions and comments.