Format results
Lecture 5: Surface operators in N=2 theories: Generalized SW geometry, 2d-4d wallcrossing
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:10020077 -
Lecture 4: Line Operators in N=2 Gauge Theories: wallcrossing, relation to Hitchin systems
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:10020076 -
Lecture 3: 6d Engineering of N=2 theories. S-dualities
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:10020075 -
Lecture 2: SW solution of gauge theory with matter
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:10020074 -
Aspects of Moduli in String Compactifications - Lecture 3
Joseph Conlon University of Oxford
PIRSA:10010101 -
Aspects of Moduli in String Compactifications - Lecture 2
Joseph Conlon University of Oxford
PIRSA:10010100 -
Aspects of Moduli in String Compactifications - Lecture 1
Joseph Conlon University of Oxford
Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Theory - Lecture 21
Vladimir Manucharyan Harvard University
PIRSA:10040017 -
Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Theory - Lecture 20
Michel Devoret Yale Univeristy - Department of Applied Physics
PIRSA:10030008 -
Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Theory - Lecture 19
Anthony Leggett University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
PIRSA:10030025 -
Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Theory - Lecture 18
Anthony Leggett University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
PIRSA:10030007 -
Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Theory - Lecture 17
Lev Vaidman Tel Aviv University
PIRSA:10030024 -
Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Theory - Lecture 16
Lev Vaidman Tel Aviv University
PIRSA:10030006 -
Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Theory - Lecture 15
Chris Fuchs University of Massachusetts Boston
PIRSA:10030023 -
Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Theory - Lecture 14
Chris Fuchs University of Massachusetts Boston
Opening Remarks: In Memory of Lev Kofman
Richard Bond Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
Neil Turok University of Edinburgh
Searching for a Primordial Cold Spot in the CMB
Andrei Frolov Simon Fraser University (SFU)
Primordial power spectra and cosmological observations
Zhiqi Huang Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
Dark Matter Halos
Neal Dalal Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Gravitational Waves from a Decaying Network of Cosmic Strings
Louis Leblond Pennsylvania State University
High energy scattering
Joao Penedones L'Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Horava gravity and strong coupling
Paul Saffin University of Nottingham
Quantum gravity without Lorentz invariance
Silke Weinfurtner University of Nottingham
CDT and Horava-Lifshitz gravity
Jan Ambjorn University of Copenhagen
A "healthy" proposal for non-relativistic quantum gravity
Diego Blas Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Cuscuton and Horava-Lifshitz gravity
Niayesh Afshordi University of Waterloo
Background Cosmology and Cosmological Perturbations in Horava-Lifshitz Gravity
Robert Brandenberger McGill University - Department of Physics
Horava-Lifshitz gravity: What's the matter?
Gianluca Calcagni Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
Gravitational average action and asymptotic safety: past and future
Martin Reuter Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
PIRSA:09110040 -
Asymptotic safety: a review
PIRSA:09110041 -
Asymptotic safety and deformed symmetry
Lee Smolin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:09110044 -
Nonperturbative Insights from Causal Dynamical Triangulations
Renate Loll Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
PIRSA:09110045 -
Gravitational fixed points and asymptotic safety from perturbation theory
Max Niedermaier University of Pittsburgh
Current state of ATLAS and the LHC
William Trischuk University of Toronto
Determining Z' couplings using LHC data and low energy measurements
Frank Petriello University of Wisconsin–Madison
Charged Higgs phenomenology beyond the MSSM
Heather Logan Carleton University
Photon identification with the ATLAS detector
Bertrand Brelier University of Toronto
Preparations for ATLAS Searches
Pierre Savard University of Toronto
Light Octet Scalars, a Heavy Higgs and Minimal Flavour Violation
Saba Zuberi University of Toronto
Measurement of Azimuthal De-correlations in DiJet Events
Gabe Rosenbaum University of Toronto
Q2C Wrap - Up
Raymond Laflamme Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Neil Turok University of Edinburgh
Wilson da Silva Cosmos Magazine
Lecture Series presented by KPMG - Quantum Foundations: From Plato's Cave to Bertlmann's Socks
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture Series presented by KPMG - The Physics of Innovation
Richard Epp University of Waterloo
PIRSA:09100030 -
Communicating Science in the 21st Century
Ivan Semeniuk The Globe and Mail
Véronique Morin Télé-Québec
Kathryn O'Hara Carleton University
Chad Orzel Uncertain Principles
PIRSA:09100071 -
Worlds Beyond Earth
Ivan Semeniuk The Globe and Mail
John Grant Smithsonian Institution
Ralf Gellert University of Guelph
Sabine Stanley University of Toronto
PIRSA:09100008 -
Lecture Series presented by KPMG - Whole Earth Discipline
Stewart Brand The Long Now Foundation
PIRSA:09100073 -
Lecture Series presented by KPMG- Mathematical Art and Artistic Mathematicians
Craig Kaplan University of Waterloo
Confusing Ontic and Epistemic Causes Trouble in Classical Physics Too
N. David Mermin Cornell University
PIRSA:09090077 -
The Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and its Relation to Probability Theory
Leslie Ballentine Simon Fraser University (SFU)
The reflection principle and quantum Bayesian decoherence
Ruediger Schack University of London
Does knowing my lambda mean knowing my psi?
Terry Rudolph Imperial College London
What are the costs of dealing with "states of reality" in quantum theory?
Časlav Brukner Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) - Vienna
A Pilot Wave(s) Theory of Exclusively Local Beables
Travis Norsen Emerson College
New Developments in N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Minicourse - Davide Gaiotto -
Aspects of Moduli in String Compactifications
Mini course by Joe Conlon -
Quantum Field Theory for Cosmology
This course begins with a thorough introduction to quantum field theory. Unlike the usual quantum field theory courses which aim at applications to particle physics, this course then focuses on those quantum field theoretic techniques that are important in the presence of gravity. In particular, this course introduces the properties of quantum fluctuations of fields and how they are affected by curvature and by gravitational horizons. We will cover the highly successful inflationary explanation of the fluctuation spectrum of the cosmic microwave background - and therefore the modern understanding of the quantum origin of all inhomogeneities in the universe (see these amazing visualizations from the data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. They display the inhomogeneous distribution of galaxies several billion light years into the universe. Organizer: Achim Kempf -
Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Theory
After a review of the axiomatic formulation of quantum theory, the generalized operational structure of the theory will be introduced (including POVM measurements, sequential measurements, and CP maps). There will be an introduction to the orthodox (sometimes called Copenhagen) interpretation of quantum mechanics and the historical problems/issues/debates regarding that interpretation, in particular, the measurement problem and the EPR paradox, and a discussion of contemporary views on these topics. The majority of the course lectures will consist of guest lectures from international experts covering the various approaches to the interpretation of quantum theory (in particular, many-worlds, de Broglie-Bohm, consistent/decoherent histories, and statistical/epistemic interpretations, as time permits) and fundamental properties and tests of quantum theory (such as entanglement and experimental tests of Bell inequalities, contextuality, macroscopic quantum phenomena, and the problem of quantum gravity, as time permits). Organizers: Raymond Laflamme and Joseph Emerson -
Scattering in AdS and CFT correlation functions
Non credit PI mini-course -
Gravity at a Lifshitz Point - 2009
Gravity at a Lifshitz Point -
Asymptotic Safety-30 Years After - 2009
Asymptotic Safety-30 Years After -
Quantum to Cosmos Festival - 2009
Quantum to Cosmos Festival -
PIAF 09' New Perspectives on the Quantum State
PIAF 09' New Perspectives on the Quantum State -
General Relativity for Cosmology
This course begins by introducing the differential geometry of Lorentzian manifolds from scratch and then builds up quickly to the advanced framework in terms of differential forms and the vielbein formalism. These methods are then used to define general relativity, also as a gauge theory. We then study some of general relativity's deeper properties, such as the formalism of spinors, and aspects of the causal structure and singularities. One key goal is to lay the foundations for students who wish to proceed to studies in quantum gravity. We then apply general relativity to cosmological models and to cosmological perturbation theory. Thereby, we are covering the theory of cosmic inflation which is very successful in predicting, in particular, the properties cosmic microwave background radiation.