Recent Applications of the Pure Spinor Formalism N. Berkovits (IFT-UNESP, São Paulo) January 01, 1970 strings:20071037
String Theory Scenarios Confront Experiments F. Quevedo (Cambridge) January 01, 1970 strings:20071039
The quantum structure of type II effective action and UV behaviour of maximal supergravities J. Russo (U.A. Barcelona) January 01, 1970 strings:20071041
Quantum critical transport, duality and M-theory P. Kovtun (KITP, Santa Barbara) January 01, 1970 strings:20071025
Jet quenching in string theory and heavy ion collisions U. Wiedemann (CERN) January 01, 1970 strings:20071027
String theory and RHIC physics: The fundamental story D. Mateos (UC Santa barbara) January 01, 1970 strings:20071028
Recent Applications of the Pure Spinor Formalism N. Berkovits (IFT-UNESP, São Paulo) January 01, 1970 strings:20071037
String Theory Scenarios Confront Experiments F. Quevedo (Cambridge) January 01, 1970 strings:20071039
The quantum structure of type II effective action and UV behaviour of maximal supergravities J. Russo (U.A. Barcelona) January 01, 1970 strings:20071041
Quantum critical transport, duality and M-theory P. Kovtun (KITP, Santa Barbara) January 01, 1970 strings:20071025
Jet quenching in string theory and heavy ion collisions U. Wiedemann (CERN) January 01, 1970 strings:20071027
String theory and RHIC physics: The fundamental story D. Mateos (UC Santa barbara) January 01, 1970 strings:20071028