Displaying 1093 - 1104 of 5007
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How to represent part-whole hierarchies in a neural net
Geoffrey Hinton University of Toronto
Muon g-2: the showdown
Massimo Passera National Institute for Nuclear Physics
Discovery of an ultra-quantum spin-liquid
Chandra Varma University of California, Riverside
Getting hot without accelerating: vacuum thermal effects from conformal quantum mechanics
Michele Arzano University of Naples Federico II
Gravitational-wave memory effects from binary-black-hole mergers
David Nichols Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Magnetism, Skyrmions and Superconductivity in Moiré Lattices
Ashvin Vishwanath Harvard University
Entanglement entropy in expanding spacetimes
Wilke van der Schee European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)