Recent advances in quantum simulation experiments have paved the way for a new perspective on strongly correlated quantum many-body systems. Digital as well as analog quantum simulation platforms are capable of preparing desired quantum states, and various experiments are starting to explore non-equilibrium many-body dynamics in previously inaccessible regimes in terms of system sizes and time scales. State-of-the art quantum simulators provide single-site resolved quantum projective measurements of the state. Depending on the platform, measurements in different local bases are possible. The question emerges which observables are best suited to study such quantum many-body systems.
In this talk, I will cover two different approaches to make the most use of these possibilities. In the first part, I will discuss the use of machine learning techniques to study the thermalization behavior of an interacting quantum system. A neural network is trained to distinguish non-equilibrium from thermal equilibrium data, and the network performance serves as a probe for the thermalization behavior of the system. We apply this method to numerically simulated data, as well experimental snapshots of ultracold atoms taken with a quantum gas microscope.
In the second part of this talk, I will present a scheme to perform adaptive quantum state tomography using active learning. Based on an initial, small set of measurements, the active learning algorithm iteratively proposes the basis configurations which will yield the maximum information gain. We apply this scheme to GHZ states of a few qubits as well as ground states of one-dimensional lattice gauge theories and show an improvement in accuracy over random basis configurations.
We develop a general approach to "interpret" what a network has learned by introducing strong inductive biases. In particular, we focus on Graph Neural Networks.
The technique works as follows: we first encourage sparse latent representations when we train a GNN in a supervised setting, then we apply symbolic regression to components of the learned model to extract explicit physical relations. The symbolic expressions extracted from the GNN using our technique also generalized to out-of-distribution data better than the GNN itself. Our approach offers alternative directions for interpreting neural networks and discovering novel physical principles from the representations they learn.
In particular, we will show examples of recovery of newton's law and masses of solar system bodies with real ephemeris data and recovery of navier-stokes equations with turbulence dataset. We will speculate what one can do with this new tool.