Displaying 577 - 588 of 864
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Wild character varieties, meromorphic Hitchin systems and Dynkin diagrams
Philip Boalch University of Paris-Saclay
Higgs sheaves on a curve and Cohomological Hall algebras
Francesco Sala University of Tokyo
How I learned to stop worrying and to love both instantons and anti-instantons
Nikita Nekrasov Stony Brook University
Geometric interpretation of Witten's d-bar equation
Mikhail Kapranov University of Tokyo
The Hitchin system, past and present
Nigel Hitchin University of Oxford
Symplectic geometry related to G/U and `Sicilian theories'
Victor Ginzburg University of Chicago
BPS algebras and twisted character varieties
Ben Davison University of Edinburgh
Motivic Classes for Moduli of Connections
Alexander Soibelman University of Southern California
Perverse Hirzebruch y-genus of Higgs moduli spaces
Tamas Hausel Institute of Science and Technology Austria
A mathematical definition of 3d indices
Tudor Dimofte University of Edinburgh