Displaying 1357 - 1368 of 3089
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Anomalies, RG Flows, and the a-Theorem in 6d
Clay Cordova University of Chicago
PolyHEgon scattering and strings
Volker Schomerus Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
All rigid N=2 supersymmetric backgrounds and actions
Daniel Butter National Institute for Subatomic Physics
Simplified Models of Co-annihilating Dark Matter
Aaron Pierce University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
New Extraction of the Proton Radius from ep-Scattering Data
Gabriel Lee Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Positivity, negativity, entanglement, and holography
Mukund Rangamani University of California, Davis
3D Holography: from discretum to continuum
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Fisher metric in field theory and gravity
Nima Lashkari McGill University
Wormholes and Complexity
Adam Brown Stanford University
Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and strange metals
Subir Sachdev Harvard University