Displaying 505 - 516 of 1864
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AdS3 gravity and random CFT
Jordan Cotler Harvard University
Conformal Geometry of Null Infinity, including gravitational waves
Yannick Herfray Université de Tours
Nonlinear dynamical tides in white dwarf binaries
Hang Yu California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Division of Physics Mathematics & Astronomy
Bulk observables in JT gravity
Thomas Mertens Ghent University
Asymptotics of the eprl model on arbitrary vertices
Simone Speziale Aix-Marseille University
The small mass-ratio expansion of the relativistic two body problem
Maarten van de Meent Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
LQG in diagonal gauge: A modern approach
Gioele Botta University of Warsaw
Quantum-reduced loop gravity from the perspective of full LQG
Ilkka Mäkinen University of Warsaw
On Gauss-Bonnet gravity in four dimensions
David Kubiznak Charles University
Resolving the H_0 tension with diffusion
Edward Wilson-Ewing University of New Brunswick