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Arguments for the Emergence of Spacetime Topology
Gordon Belot University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
PIRSA:11100058 -
Emergence and Minimal Models in Condensed Matter Physics and Biology
Nigel Goldenfeld University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
PIRSA:11100055 -
Topological Liquid Nucleation Induced by Vortex-vortex Interactions in Kitaev's Honeycomb Model
Ville Lahtinen Nordita - Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics
A Macroscopic-scale Wave-particle Duality : the Role of a Wave Mediated Path Memory
Yves Couder École Normale Supérieure - PSL
PIRSA:11100119 -
Concepts of Emergence Appropriate for Effective Field Theories
Jon Bain New York University (NYU)
PIRSA:11100054 -
Emergence as Novel Explanation: Statistical Mechanics vs. Quantum Field Theory
Doreen Fraser University of Waterloo
PIRSA:10100097 -
Quantum Gravity Laboratory
Silke Weinfurtner University of Nottingham
PIRSA:11100063At the level of effective field theory it is possible to establish analogies between non-gravitational and gravitational systems. For example, first order perturbation equations in an analogue gravity model can be written as a wave equation in a curved spacetime. Perhaps the most intriguing application of analogue gravity systems is the possibility to experimentally investigate open questions in semi-classical quantum gravity, such as the black hole evaporation process. I will briefly discuss our recent black hole experiment, which demonstrates the universality of the Hawking process. If time permits, I will discuss the possibility to extend the analogue gravity programme, and outline the necessary steps towards full quantum gravity experiments. -
Emergence/analogy and Hawking Radiation
Bill Unruh University of British Columbia
PIRSA:11100114The concepts of emergence and analogy are very closely related -- A is like B vs A is B. I will discuss this in the context of the emergence of/analogy with Hwking radiation in the arena of fluid systems, and the possibility of doing experiments in the lab. Does this mean gravity is emergent from some aether like theory? I think attempts to do that are fraught with difficulties, and will briefly discuss why I think so. -
Arguments for the Emergence of Spacetime Topology
Gordon Belot University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
PIRSA:11100058It is widely held that string theory shows that spacetime geometry and topology are emergent rather than fundamental. Often it is said that this follows from the various interesting dualities that exist within string theory. I will discuss the argument from duality, contrasting it with older arguments for the non-objectivity of spatiotemporal topology. I hope that this will clarify some questions about the role of spacetime in string theory---and about the differences between the ways that philosophers and physicists approach these questions. -
Emergence and Minimal Models in Condensed Matter Physics and Biology
Nigel Goldenfeld University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
PIRSA:11100055Our ability to understand the physical world has to a large extent depended on the existence of emergent properties, and the separation of scales that permits effective field theory descriptions to be useful. Exploiting this fact, we can construct minimal models that enable efficient calculation of desired quantities, as long as they are insensitive to microscopic details. This works in many instances in physics, and I give some examples drawn from the kinetics of phase transitions mediated by topological defects. In other fields, such as biology, it is not so clear that these concepts are useful, and I will discuss to what extent emergence and effective theories might be useful. -
Topological Liquid Nucleation Induced by Vortex-vortex Interactions in Kitaev's Honeycomb Model
Ville Lahtinen Nordita - Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics
We provide a microscopic understanding of the nucleation of topological quantum liquids that arise due to interactions between non-Abelian anyons. With the pairwise anyon interactions typically showing RKKY-type oscillations in sign, but decaying exponentially with distance, we show that the character of the nucleated phase is fully determined by anyon interactions beyond nearest neighbor exchange. We investigate this issue in the context of Kitaev's honeycomb lattice model. In the presence of vortex lattices, depending on microscopic parameters such as the vortex lattice spacing, we observe the nucleation of several distinct Abelian topological phases, that differ in their band structure and Chern number description. By employing an effective model of Majorana fermions, we show that these phases can be fully predicted from the vortex-vortex interactions. Corresponding microscopic results should hold for vortices forming an Abrikosov lattice in a p-wave superconductor or quasiholes forming a Wigner crystal in non-Abelian quantum Hall states. -
A Macroscopic-scale Wave-particle Duality : the Role of a Wave Mediated Path Memory
Yves Couder École Normale Supérieure - PSL
PIRSA:11100119It is usually assumed that the quantum wave-particle duality can have no counterpart in classical physics. We were driven into revisiting this question when we found that a droplet bouncing on a vibrated bath could couple to the surface wave it excites. It thus becomes a self-propelled "walker", a symbiotic object formed by the droplet and its associated wave. Through several experiments, we addressed one central question. How can a continuous and spatially extended wave have a common dynamics with a localized and discrete droplet? Surprisingly, quantum-like behaviors emerge; both a form of uncertainty and a form of quantization are observed. This is interesting because the probabilistic aspects of quantum mechanics are often said to be intrinsic and to have no possible relation with underlying unresolved dynamical phenomena. In our experiment we find probabilistic behaviors and they do have a relation with chaotic individual trajectories. These quantum like properties are related in our system to the non-locality of a walker that we called its "wave mediated path memory". The relation of this experiment with the pilot wave model proposed for quantum mechanics by de Broglie will be discussed. -
Concepts of Emergence Appropriate for Effective Field Theories
Jon Bain New York University (NYU)
PIRSA:11100054This talk considers the extent to which the intertheoretic relation between an EFT and its (possibly hypothetical) high-energy theory supports a notion of emergence. When a high-energy theory exists, this relation is based on a process that involves the elimination of high-energy degrees of freedom. This elimination results in an EFT that formally bears little resemblance to the high-energy theory. I investigate the extent to which this lack of formal resemblance underwrites notions of novelty and autonomy that may be appropriately associated with emergence. I'll begin by reviewing the method by which an EFT is constructed from a high-energy theory by means of integrating out high-energy degrees of freedom from the latter. I'll then review a number of attempts in the philosophical literature to explicate the notion of emergence. I'll first consider general phillosophical accounts that identify emergence as supervienience without reduction, or as associated with various notions of autonomy (reductive, predictive, causal, and/or explanatory). I'll then consider more specific accounts related to physics in particular, including Batterman's (2002) notion of the failure of a limiting relation, and Mainwood's (2006)description of the concept of emergence associated with the claims of condensed matter physicists (e.g., Anderson 1972). This account conceives emergence as microphysicalism (the claim that emergent properties/entities are ultimately composed of microphysical properties/entities) coupled with novelty cashed out in terms of a mechanism (in this case spontaneous symmetry breaking) that produces a reduced phase space supporting (emergent) properties that are not explicitly defined on the initial phase space. A similar account is given by Wilson (2010), who explicates novelty in terms of an elimination of degrees of freedom. I'll suggest that Batterman's account does not quite succeed in the context of EFTs (simply put, the relation between an EFT and its high-energy theory cannot be described in terms of the failure of a limiting relation), and while the elimination of degrees of freedom does occur in EFTs, this process is different from the process described by Mainwood and Wilson (in particular, the phase space of an EFT is not, in general, a reduced phase space of a high-energy theory). This suggests that a notion of emergence as microphysicalism coupled with novelty can be applicable to the EFT context, as long as an appropriate mechanism that underwrites novelty, other than spontaneous symmetry breaking, can be identified. This mechanism perhaps can be identified simply as the particular approximation scheme employed in the construction of an EFT. -
Emergence as Novel Explanation: Statistical Mechanics vs. Quantum Field Theory
Doreen Fraser University of Waterloo
PIRSA:10100097In the philosophical literature, effective field theories have been regarded as emergent in the sense of furnishing novel explanations. In particular, Batterman has argued that effective field theories in statistical mechanics are emergent in this sense. I will argue that effective field theories in quantum field theory do not furnish analogous novel explanations. There are relevant disanalogies between statistical mechanics and quantum field theory with regard to the roles played by idealizations and the explanatory goals of the application of renormalization group methods. Contrasting the statistical mechanics and quantum field theory cases highlights the role that the physical interpretation of the formalism and the goals of theorizing play in determining whether a particular effective theory counts as emergent. -
The Tyranny of Scales
Bob Batterman University of Pittsburgh
PIRSA:11100059How can one model the behavior of materials that display radically different, dominant behaviors at different length scales. Although we have good models for material behaviors at small and large scales, it is often hard to relate these scale-based models to one another. Macroscale (effective) models represent the integrated effects of very subtle factors that are practically invisible at the smallest, atomic, scales. For this reason it has been notoriously difficult to model realistic materials with a simple bottom-up-from-the-atoms strategy. The widespread failure of that strategy forced physicists interested in overall macro-behavior of materials toward completely top-down modeling strategies familiar from traditional continuum mechanics. The problem of the ``tyranny of scales'' asks whether we can exploit our rather rich knowledge of intermediate micro- (or meso-) scale behaviors in a manner that would allow us to bridge between these two dominant methodologies. Macroscopic scale behaviors often fall into large common classes of behaviors such as the class of isotropic elastic solids, characterized by two phenomenological parameters---so-called elastic coefficients. Can we employ knowledge of lower scale behaviors to understand this universality---to determine the coefficients and to group the systems into classes exhibiting similar behavior? -
Is the renormalization Group Really that Ugly?
PIRSA:11100099In 1665, the clockmaker Christiaan Huygens noticed that two pendulum clocks hanging on a wall tend to synchronize the motion of their pendulums. A similar scenario occurs with two metronomes placed on a piano: they interact through vibrations in the wood and will eventually coordinate their motion. These effects are stable against small perturbations. Such stability is not predicted by either Hamiltonian mechanics or by few-body quantum theory. Nonetheless they can be seen as occurring within a simple model introduced by Kolmogorov. Surprisingly, this model leads to a very complex phase diagram. In turn, the complexities of this phase diagram have been observed within experimental observations of fluid flow, solid state devices, and non-linear electrical circuits. It is reflective of the structure of number theory and of the relation between rational and irrational numbers. Of course, the synchronization arises from friction, an effect often neglected in fundamental theories. Should we then regard synchronization, and its deeply mathematical explanation, as an example of an emergent phenomenon? What does emergence mean? Is is just something that surprises us? How are emergent phenomena connected with the fundamentals of our physical theories? -
MERA for Relativistic QFTs
Jutho Haegeman Ghent University
PIRSA:11100086In this second presentation, we will revisit Feynman's first argument and discuss how it still strongly influences variational studies of relativistic field theories with MPS or cMPS. However, as we explain, this argument can be completely overcome by introducing different variational parameters for the different length scales in the system, a strategy that naturally results in the MERA for lattice systems, or its continuous version for field theories. We then illustrate how a cMERA representation for the ground state of free relativistic quantum field theories can be constructed and discuss the main properties of this representation. -
Tobias Osborne Leibniz University Hannover
PIRSA:11100090In this talk I will describe how to generalize the multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz to quantum fields. The resulting variational class of wavefunctions, cMERA, arising from this RG flow are translation invariant and exhibit an entropy-area law. I'll illustrate the construction for some example fields, and describe how to cover the case of interacting theories.