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Quantum Gravity from Causal Dynamical Triangulations
Renate Loll Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Initial-boundary value problems for Einstein's field equations
Olivier Sarbach Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo
A la recherche du temps quantum gravity
Fay Dowker Imperial College London
Detectable signatures of compact binaries involving neutron stars
Vasileios Paschalidis University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Tackling the Challenges of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
Kipp Cannon University of Tokyo
Neutrino as Majorana zero modes
Zheng-Cheng Gu Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bipartite Graphs, Quivers and Gauge Theories
Yang-Hui He University of London
Detecting Modified Gravity in the Stars
Jeremy Sakstein University of Pennsylvania
On the non-extendibility of quantum theory
I will present a recent theorem that asserts that there cannot exist an "extension of quantum theory" that allows us to make more informative predictions about future measurable events (e.g., whether a horizontally polarized photon passes a polarization filter with a given orientation) than standard quantum theory. The theorem is based on two assumptions about the extended theory: (i) the theory should be compatible with quantum theory (this means, in practice, that the theory is not falsified by current experimental data); (ii) the theory should not preclude experimenters from freely choosing the measurement settings. More precisely, the latter assumption corresponds to the requirement that measurement settings can be chosen at random such that they are independent of any other events, except of course those that lie in the causal future of the choice (i.e., in its future light cone). In addition, I will discuss a corollary of the non-extendibility theorem which leads to the same conclusions as a recent theorem by Pusey, Barrett, and Rudolph on the "reality of the quantum state", based only on the above assumptions. -
Quantum Gravity from Causal Dynamical Triangulations
Renate Loll Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
By way of presenting some classic and many new results, my talk will indulge shamelessly in
advertising "Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT)" as a hands-on approach to nonperturbative quantum gravity that reaches where other approaches currently don't. After summarizing the rationale and basic ingredients of CDT quantum gravity and some of its key findings (like the emergence of a classical de Sitter space), I will focus on some very recent results: how we uncovered the presence of a second-order phase transition (so far unique in 4D quantum
gravity), news on the controversy between doing things the Lorentzian or the Euclidean way, and new results on the role of the preferred time slicing in CDT - all hopefully worth your while! -
Initial-boundary value problems for Einstein's field equations
Olivier Sarbach Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo
We discuss well-posed initial-boundary value formulations
in general relativity. These formulations allow us to construct solutions of
Einstein's field equations inside a cylindrical region, given suitable initial
and boundary data. We analyze the restrictions on the boundary data that result
from the requirement of constraint propagation and the minimization of spurious
reflections, and choosing harmonic coordinates we show how to cast the problem
into well-posed form. Then, we consider the particular case where the boundary
represents null infinity of an asymptotically flat spacetime. Here, the rôle of
the boundary conditions is to provide adequate regularity and gauge conditions
at infinity.
As an application of our setup we mention ongoing work on
the computation of quasi-stationary scalar field configurations on a
non-rotating supermassive black hole background. -
Novel s-wave superconducting phase of doped topological insulators.
Many of the topological insulators, in their naturally
available form are not insulating in the bulk. It has been shown that some of these metallic compounds,
become superconductor at low enough temperature and the nature of their
superconducting phase is still widely debated. In this talk I show that even
the s-wave superconducting phase of doped topological insulators, at low
doping, is different from ordinary s-wave superconductors and goes through a
topological phase transition to an ordinary s-wave state by increasing the
doping. I show that the critical doping is determined using the
SU(2) Berry phase on the fermi surface of doped
topological insulator and can be modified by different tunable features of the
material. At the end I present the results of a recent experiment on the
Josephson junctions made of thin films of Bismuth selenide , which can be
explained using our theory of doping induced phase transition in topological
insulators. -
A la recherche du temps quantum gravity
Fay Dowker Imperial College London
Causal set quantum gravity is based on the marriage between the concept of causality as an organising principle more basic even than space or time and fundamental atomicity. Causal sets suggest novel possibilities for "dynamical laws" in which spacetime grows by the accumulation of new spacetime atoms, potentially realising within physics C.D. Broad's concept of a growing block universe
in which the past is real and the future is not. To do justice to relativity and general covariance, the atoms must accumulate in a partial order, exactly the order that the atoms have physically amongst themselves. That this is possible is demonstrated by the Rideout-Sorkin Classical Stochastic Growth models. This proof of concept -- of the compatibility of relativity and ``becoming'' -- is, however, classical and is challenged by the global character of the physical world within a path integral framework for quantum theory. Out of the struggle to reconcile the global and local natures of the physical world may arise a quantal dynamics for causal sets. -
Completing Canonical Quantization
John Klauder University of Florida
The process of canonical quantization:is reexamined with the goal of ensuring there is only one reality, where $\hbar>0$, in which classical and quantum theories coexist. Two results are a clarification of the effect of canonical coordinate transformations and the role of Cartesian coordinates. Other results provide validation of alternative quantum procedures that allow acceptable solutions for models that exhibit unacceptable solutions using traditional procedures. Several examples will illustrate advantages of the new classical/quantum connection including one case where conventional methods lead to quantum triviality while the enhanced procedures lead to an acceptable nonlinear quantum behaviour. This seminar uses only simple physical and mathematical concepts, and should be widely accessible. -
Detectable signatures of compact binaries involving neutron stars
Vasileios Paschalidis University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
In this talk I will focus on two topics concerning compact binaries that involve a neutron star companion: a) the fate of and observable signatures from merging white dwarf-neutron star (WDNS) binaries, and b) electromagnetic signals from black hole - neutron star (BHNS) binaries.WDNS systems - the neglected child among compact binaries - generate detectable gravitational waves (GWs) and may also generate observable electromagnetic (EM) signals. One of the most fascinating aspects about these systems is that they are known to exist, but the final fate of massive, merged WDNSs remnants is currently work in progress. Determining the fate of WDNS remnants will be important for interpreting observations from future transient surveys. I will review recent work that provides insight into the physics of WDNSs remnants. Black hole - neutron star systems are among the most promising sources for gravitational waves, and at the same time also possible sources of detectable precursor and aftermath EM signals. I will present recent the results from general relativistic force-free simulations of binary BHNSs and a type of EM precursor signatures expected from these systems. -
Tobias Fritz Universität Innsbruck
One of the main challenges that we face both as individual persons and as a species concerns the distribution and use of resources, such as water, time, capital, computing power or negatively valued
resources like nuclear waste. Also within theoretical physics, one frequently deals with resources like free energy or quantum entanglement. I will describe a mathematical theory of resources which makes quantitative predictions about how many resources are required for producing a certain commodity and outline some applications to information theory.
Joint work with Bob Coecke and Rob Spekkens. -
Tackling the Challenges of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
Kipp Cannon University of Tokyo
Gravitational radiation promises to teach us many new things about the universe and the world around us, but all attempts to observe gravitational waves have so far been unsuccessful. I will discuss some of the challenges we need to overcome in our quest to detect this elusive form of energy, and how tackling these challenges is opening new windows on fundamental physics. I will show, specifically, how novel data analysis strategies have been used to combat detector noise in searches for gravitational waves from cosmic strings, and how the search for the signatures of neutron star collisions has created new techniques for modelling the mergers of compact objects. -
Neutrino as Majorana zero modes
Zheng-Cheng Gu Chinese University of Hong Kong
The existence of three generations of neutrinos and their mass mixing is a deep mystery of our universe. Majorana's elegant work on the real solution of Dirac equation predicted the existence of Majorana particles in our nature, unfortunately, these Majorana particles have never been observed. In this talk, I will begin with a simple 1D condensed matter model which realizes a T^2=-1time reversal symmetry protected superconductors and then discuss the physical property of its boundary Majorana zero modes. It is shown that these Majorana zero modes realize a T^4=-1 time reversal doubelets and carry 1/4 spin. Such a simple observation motivates us to revisit the CPT symmetry of those ghost particles--neutrinos by assuming that they are topological Majorana particles made by four
Majorana zero modes. Interestingly, we find that Majorana zero modes will realize a P^4=-1 parity symmetry as well. It can even realize a nontrivial C^4=-1 charge conjugation symmetry, which is a big surprise from a usual perspective that the charge conjugation symmetry for a Majorana particle is trivial. Indeed, such a C^4=-1 charge conjugation symmetry can be promoted to a Z_2 gauge symmetry and its spontaneously breaking leads to the origin of neutrino mass. We further attribute
the origin of three generations of neutrinos to three distinguishable ways of defining two complex fermions from four Majorana zero modes.
The above assumptions lead to a D2 symmetry in the generation space and uniquely determine the mass mixing matrix with no adjustable parameters! In the absence of CP violation, we derive
\theta_12=32degree, \theta_23=45degree and \theta_13=0degree, which is intrinsically closed to
the current experimental results. We further predict an exact mass ratio of the three mass eigenstate with m_1/m_3=m_2/m_3=3/\sqrt{5}. -
Bipartite Graphs, Quivers and Gauge Theories
Yang-Hui He University of London
We discuss how bipartite graphs on Riemann surfaces encapture a wealth of information about the physics of large classes of supersymmetric gauge theories, especially those with quiver structure and arising from the AdS/CFT context. The correspondence between the gauge theory, the underlying algebraic geometry of it space of vacua, the combinatorics of dimers and toric varieties, as well as the number theory of dessin d'enfants becomes particular intricate under this light. -
Detecting Modified Gravity in the Stars
Jeremy Sakstein University of Pennsylvania
Screened Scalar-Tensor gravity such as chameleon and symmetron theories allow order one deviations from General Relativity on large scales whilst satisfying all local solar-system constraints. A lot of recent work has therefore focused on searching for observational signatures of these
models and constraining them. If these models are to be viable then our own solar system is necessarily screened, however, this may not be the case for stars in Dwarf Galaxies, which can exhibit novel and unique phenomena. These new effects can be exploited to produce constraints that are far more competitive than laboratory and cosmological tests and in this talk, I will describe some recent and ongoing work using these phenomena to place new constraints.