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Bulk Locality and Quantum Error Correction in AdS/CFT
Daniel Harlow Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Anomaly polynomial of general 6d SCFTs
Kazuya Yonekura Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
PHYS 781 - Final Presentations (Session 1)
PIRSA:14120049 -
Extending the state space of LQG
Suzanne Lanery Universidad Nacional Autónoma De Mexico (UNAM)
The N=2 Superconformal Maxi-bootstrap
Madalena Lemos European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Geometric response of FQH states
Andrey Gromov University of California, Berkeley
Resurgence in quantum field theory: handling the Devil's invention
Aleksey Cherman University of Minnesota
Stochastic Inflation Revisited: A Self-Consistent Recursive Approach and Applications
Laurence Perreault Levasseur Université de Montréal
In this talk, I will review the main ideas underlying stochastic inflation, by introducing the formalism in two independent ways. First I will start from the intuitive picture stemming from the equations of motion of the system. I will then introduce a more rigorous approach based on the in-in formalism, and show how the usual set of Langevin equations can emerge from a path integral formulation. With this understanding, I will then formulate a new, recursive method which allows to solve consistently both in slow-roll parameters and in quantum corrections. I will then discuss examples of how this method can be applied to derive corrected predictions for cosmological observables in the case of hybrid inflation, multi-field inflation, and inflation on modulated potentials.
Bulk Locality and Quantum Error Correction in AdS/CFT
Daniel Harlow Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Anomaly polynomial of general 6d SCFTs
Kazuya Yonekura Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
> I talk about a method to determine the anomaly polynomials of genera 6d N=(2,0) and N=(1,0) SCFTs, in terms of the anomaly matching on their tensor branches. This method is almost purely field theoretical, and can be applied to all known 6d SCFTs. Green-Schwarz mechanism plays the crucial role.
Viscous and Thermal Transport in Topological Phases
One hallmark of topological phases with broken time reversal symmetry is the appearance of quantized non-dissipative transport coefficients, the archetypical example being the quantized Hall conductivity in quantum Hall states. Here I will talk about two other non-dissipative transport coefficients that appear in such systems - the Hall viscosity and the thermal Hall conductivity. In the first part of the talk, I will start by reviewing previous results concerning the Hall viscosity, including its relation to a topological invariant known as the shift. Next, I will show how the Hall viscosity can be computed from a Kubo formula. For Galilean invariant systems, the Kubo formula implies a relationship between the viscosity and conductivity tensors which may have relevance for experiment. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss the thermal Hall conductivity, its relation to the central charge of the edge theory, and in particular the absence of a bulk contribution to the thermal Hall current. I will do this by constructing a low-energy effective theory in a curved non-relativistic background, allowing for torsion. I will show that the bulk contribution to the thermal current takes the form of an "energy magnetization" current, and hence show that it does not contribute to heat transport.
The Incompleteness of HRT
In AdS/CFT, the HRT prescription relates the entanglement entropy of a region of a CFT to the area of an extremal surface in the dual AdS spacetime. But there exists a class of spacetimes in which the HRT prescription is ill-defined. These spacetimes consist of planar AdS wormholes containing an inflating region. I will introduce these so-called AdS-dS-wormholes, discuss how the HRT prescription fails in them, and suggest possible modifications to remedy the problem.
PHYS 781 - Final Presentations (Session 1)
PIRSA:14120049 -
Completeness Results for Graphical Quantum Process Languages
From Feynman diagrams via Penrose graphical notation to quantum circuits, graphical languages are widely used in quantum theory and other areas of theoretical physics. The category-theoretical approach to quantum mechanics yields a new set of graphical languages, which allow rigorous pictorial reasoning about quantum systems and processes. One such language is the ZX-calculus, which is built up of elements corresponding to maps in the computational and the Hadamard basis. This calculus is universal for pure state qubit quantum mechanics, meaning any pure state, unitary operation, and post-selected pure projective measurement can be represented. It is also sound, meaning any graphical rewrite corresponds to a valid equality when translated into matrices.
While the calculus is not complete for general quantum mechanics, I show that it is complete for stabilizer quantum mechanics and for the single-qubit Clifford+T group. This means that within those subtheories, any equality that can be derived using matrices can also be derived graphically.
The ZX-calculus can thus be applied to a wide range of problems in quantum information and quantum foundations, from the analysis of quantum non-locality to the verification of measurement-based quantum computation and error-correcting codes. I also show how to construct a ZX-like graphical calculus for Spekkens' toy bit theory and give its associated completeness proof.
Extending the state space of LQG
Suzanne Lanery Universidad Nacional Autónoma De Mexico (UNAM)
Instead of formulating the state space of a quantum field theory over a single big Hilbert space, it has been proposed by Jerzy Kijowski to describe quantum states as projective families of density matrices over a collection of smaller, simpler Hilbert spaces. I will discuss the physical motivations for this approach and explain how it can be implemented in the context of LQG. While the resulting state space forms a natural extension of the Ashtekar-Lewandowski Hilbert space, it treats position and momentum variables on equal footing. This paves the way for the construction of semi-classical states beyond fixed graph level, and eventually for the derivation of LQC from full LQG.
The N=2 Superconformal Maxi-bootstrap
Madalena Lemos European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
In this talk I will present some results of an upcoming paper where we study four-dimensional N=2 superconformal field theories using the conformal bootstrap.
We focus on two different four-point functions, involving either the superconformal primary of the flavor current multiplet or the one of the chiral multiplet.
Numerical analysis of the crossing equations yields lower bounds on the allowed central charges, and upper bounds on the dimensions of unprotected operators (for unitary theories). -
Geometric response of FQH states
Andrey Gromov University of California, Berkeley
Two-dimensional interacting electron gas in strong transverse magnetic field forms a collective state -- incompressible electron liquid, known as fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state. FQH states are genuinely new states of matter with long range topological order. Their primary observable characteristics are the absence of dissipation and quantization of the transverse electro-magnetic response known Hall conductance. In addition to quantized electromagnetic response FQH states are characterized by quantized geometric responses such as Hall viscosity and thermal Hall conductance.
I will show how to derive the effective action for various Abelian and non-Abelian FQH states on a curved space. In particular, I will derive the quantized universal responses to the changes in geometry of space. These responses are described by Chern-Simons-type terms. It will be shown that in order to obtain the responses in a self consistent way one has to take into account the framing anomaly of the quantum Chern-Simons(-Witten) theory. This peculiar phenomenon illustrates the failure of a classically topological theory to remain topological at the quantum level.
If time permits I will comment on the coupling of non-relativistic systems to the space-time geometry. Using the appropriate geometry I will write an effective action describing the bulk energy and thermal Hall conductances. From this effective action it will be clear that these response functions are neither universal nor topologically protected. -
Resurgence in quantum field theory: handling the Devil's invention
Aleksey Cherman University of Minnesota
Renormalized perturbation theory for QFTs typically produces divergent series, even if the coupling constant is small, because the series coefficients grow factorially at high order. A natural, but historically difficult, challenge has been how to make sense of the asymptotic nature of perturbative series. In what sense do such series capture the physics of a QFT, even for weak coupling? I will discuss a recent conjecture that the semiclassical expansion of path integrals for asymptotically free QFTs - that is, perturbation theory - yields well-defined answers once the implications of resurgence theory are taken into account. Resurgence theory relates expansions around different saddle points of a path integral to each other, and has the striking practical implication that the high-order divergences of perturbative series encode precise information about the non-perturbative physics of a theory. These ideas will be discussed in the context of a QCD-like toy model theory, the two-dimensional principal chiral model, where resurgence theory appears to be capable of dealing with the most difficult types of divergences, the renormalons. Fitting a conjecture by ’t Hooft, understanding the origin of renormalon divergences allows us to see the microscopic origin of the mass gap of the theory in the semiclassical domain.
Re-Examining Astrophysical Constraints on the Dark Matter Model
The cosmological model based on cold dark matter (CDM) and dark energy has been hugely successful in describing the observed evolution and large scale structure of our Universe. However, at small scales (in the smallest galaxies and at the centers of larger galaxies), a number of observations seem to conflict with the predictions CDM cosmology, leading to recent interest in Warm Dark Matter (WDM) and Self-Interacting Dark Matter (SIDM) models. These small scales, though, are also regions dominated by the influence of baryons. I will present results from high resolution cosmological galaxy simulations that include both baryons and dark matter to show that baryonic physics can significantly alter the dark matter structure and substructure of galaxies, revolutionizing our expectations for galaxy structure and influencing our interpretation of the Dark Matter model.