Search results from PIRSA
7837 - 7848 of 16430 Results
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Einstein's equation from maximal entropy of vacuum entanglement
Ted Jacobson University of Maryland, College Park
Entropic Focussing
Aron Wall University of Cambridge
PSI 2015/2016 - Green Functions - Lecture 2
PIRSA:15080107 -
Area terms in entanglement entropy
Horacio Casini Bariloche Atomic Centre
PSI 2015/2016 - Classical Mechanics - Lecture 2
PIRSA:15080097 -
Order parameter for chaos
Beni Yoshida Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Spread of entanglement and causality
Mark Mezei Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
The Holographic Entropy Cone
Ning Bao University of California, Berkeley
Holographic quantum error-correcting codes: Toy models for the bulk/boundary correspondence
Fernando Pastawski California Institute of Technology
Entanglement renormalization for quantum fields
Jutho Haegeman Ghent University
PSI 2015/2016 - Green Functions - Lecture 1