Search results from PIRSA
6097 - 6108 of 16421 Results
Format results
High-order corrections to low energy e-p and mu-p scattering
Andrei Afanasev George Washington University
Anomalies in Flavour Physics
Roman Zwicky University of Edinburgh
Multi-loop calculations in electroweak physics
Ayres Freitas University of Pittsburgh
Lattice QCD and neutrino physics
Aaron Meyer University of Chicago
Simulation tools for neutrino experiments
Gabriel Perdue Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
First-principles Modeling of Pulsar Emission
Alexander Philippov Princeton University
New physics searches in low-energy experiments
Andre de Gouvea Northwestern University
Higher-order corrections for neutrino experiments
Kevin Mcfarland University of Rochester
SCET for precision physics at high and low energies
Thomas Becher University of Bern
The proton radius puzzle
Gil Paz Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)