Search results from PIRSA
6001 - 6012 of 16421 Results
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Evolution of Black Holes in Inflation
Jennie Traschen University of Massachusetts Amherst
Nonlocality and contextuality as fine-tuning
Eric Cavalcanti Griffith University
The contextual fraction as a measure of contextuality
Shane Mansfield University of Edinburgh
Kochen-Specker contextuality: a hypergraph approach with operational equivalences
Ana Belen Sainz Gdańsk University of Technology
Towards a mathematical theory of contextuality
Samson Abramsky University of Oxford
Noncontextuality: how we should define it, why it is natural, and what to do about its failure
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
What do we learn about quantum theory from Kochen-Specker quantum contextuality?
Adan Cabello Universidad de Sevilla
Quantum Mechanics in a New Key
Simon Kochen Princeton University
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Tracy Slatyer Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics