Deformations of 4d SCFTs and Supersymmetry Enhancing RG Flows
Kazunobu Maruyoshi Osaka City University
Search results from PIRSA
Kazunobu Maruyoshi Osaka City University
Tibra Ali Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Debasish Banerjee Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
Natan Andrei Rutgers University
Marco Meineri L'Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Tibra Ali Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Shinsei Ryu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Lorenzo Bianchi University of Turin
Tatsuma Nishioka University of Tokyo
Silvia Penati University of Milano-Bicocca