Search results from PIRSA
2209 - 2220 of 16368 Results
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An Effective Field Theory for Large Oscillons
Vasily Maslov Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)
Carroll symmetry in gravity and string theory
Niels Obers -
Quantum simulation of Z2 lattice gauge theory with dynamical matter
Fabian Grusdt Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Strong Gravitational Lensing in the Era of Data-Driven Algorithms
Yashar Hezaveh Université de Montréal
Carrollian Perspective on Celestial Holography
Romain Ruzziconi University of Oxford
Residual gauge symmetries in the front form
Sucheta Majumdar École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon)
Local Holography and corner symmetry: A paradigm for quantum gravity
Laurent Freidel Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Classical Physics - Lecture 221004
PIRSA:22100059 -
Gong Show
Arnaud Delfante University of Mons
Giovanni Canepa Aix-Marseille University
Gloria Odak Charles University
monireh ahmadpour University of Tehran
Florian Ecker Technische Universität Wien
Review Talk: An introduction to coadjoint orbits cont.
Andrea Campoleoni University of Mons