Search results from PIRSA
15445 - 15456 of 16360 Results
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Recalling John in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Brane Constructions
Akikazu Hashimoto University of Wisconsin–Madison
PIRSA:06100050 -
Large N q-deformed Yang-Mills Theory and Hecke Algebras
Sanjaye Ramgoolam Queen Mary University of London
PIRSA:06100043 -
IR Free or Interacting? A Proposed Diagnostic
Kenneth Intriligator University of California, San Diego
PIRSA:06100051 -
Chiral Symmetry Breaking from Intersecting Branes
David Kutasov University of Chicago
PIRSA:06100041 -
Superpartner Masses and Hidden Sectors
PIRSA:06100042 -
Dual Gravity Approach to Near-Equilibrium Processes in Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories
Andrei Starinets University of Oxford
PIRSA:06100040 -
Little String Theory From a Double Scaled Matrix Model
Mark Van Raamsdonk University of British Columbia
PIRSA:06100049 -
Towards Understanding String Spectrum in AdS5 x S5
Arkady Tseytlin Imperial College London
PIRSA:06100039 -
String Theory and Gauge Theory: Past Present and Future Workshop 2
David Shih Princeton University