Large mixing angles and a mild mass hierarchy are observed in neutrino oscillations, in stark contrast with the quarks and charged leptons sectors where very hierarchical masses come along with small mixings.
We review and discuss the neutrino mass patterns that are technically natural, in the context of the seesaw mechanism and with a quark-lepton unification perspective.
We show that a seesaw in six dimensions offers an elegant and unique solution to the flavor puzzle. An explicit model is constructed, with a vortex background on a sphere. It offers an explanation for the replication of families in the Standard Model, and predicts suppressed flavour violating interactions.
In my talk I would like to discuss the present status of Doubly Special Relativity. DSR is an extension of Special Relativity aimed at describing kinematics of particles and fields in the regime where (quantum) gravity effects might become relevant. I will discuss an interplay between DSR physics and mathematics of Hopf algebras.
In this talk we will explore a "toy model" of quantum theory that is similar to actual quantum theory, but uses scalars drawn from a finite field. The set of possible states of a system is discrete and finite. Our theory does not have a quantitative notion of probability, but only makes the "modal" distinction between possible and impossible measurement results. Despite its very simple structure, our toy model nevertheless includes many of the key phenomena of actual quantum systems: interference, complementarity, entanglement, nonlocality, and the impossibility of cloning.