Search results in Astrophysics from PIRSA
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The Minimum Fragment Mass in Dissipative Dark Matter Halos
James Gurian Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
New discoveries in the era of low noise high resolution cosmology experiments
Selim Hotinli Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Neutrino-Assisted Early Dark Energy: Theory and Cosmology
Qiuyue Liang University of Pennsylvania
Shapes of non-Gaussianity in warm inflation
Mehrdad Mirbabayi Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Newborn super star clusters at Cosmic Noon seen through gravitational lensing
Liang Dai University of California, Berkeley
Going Beyond the Galaxy Power Spectrum: an Analysis of BOSS Data with Wavelet Scattering Transforms
Georgios Valogiannis Harvard University
Optimal extraction of the non-Gaussian information encoded in the Large-Scale Structure (LSS) of the universe lies at the forefront of modern precision cosmology. In this talk, I will discuss recent efforts to achieve this task using the Wavelet Scattering Transform (WST), which subjects an input field to a layer of non-linear transformations that are sensitive to non-Gaussianity in spatial density distributions through a generated set of WST coefficients. In order to assess its applicability in the context of LSS surveys, I will present the first WST application to actual galaxy observations, through a WST re-analysis of the BOSS DR12 CMASS dataset. After laying out the procedure on how to capture all necessary layers of realism for an application on data obtained from a spectroscopic survey, I will show results for the marginalized posterior probability distributions of 5 cosmological parameters obtained from a WST likelihood analysis of the CMASS data. The WST is found to deliver a substantial improvement in the values of the predicted 1σ errors compared to the regular galaxy power spectrum, both in the case of flat and uninformative priors and also when a Big Bang Nucleosynthesis prior is applied to the value of ω_b. Finally, I will discuss ongoing follow-up work towards applying this estimator to the next generation of spectroscopic observations to be obtained by the DESI and Euclid surveys.
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The Minimum Fragment Mass in Dissipative Dark Matter Halos
James Gurian Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
The dark universe may host physics as rich and complex as the visible sector, but the only guaranteed window to the dark sector(s) is through gravity. If the dark matter has a dissipative self-interaction, dark gas can cool and collapse to form compact object whose mergers may be accessible to LIGO. The mass spectrum of the merging compact objects encodes fundamental physical information--a purely gravitational probe of dark matter microphysics.
In this talk, I will present our work to forward-model the gas collapse process in the "atomic dark matter" model, beginning with a retelling of the standard cosmological history including this new ingredient and culminating in a description of the fragmentation scale of the dark gas.Zoom link:
New discoveries in the era of low noise high resolution cosmology experiments
Selim Hotinli Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Scientific programs involving joint analyses of different tracers of large-scale structure and CMB are increasingly gaining attention as they often increase the prospects to detect and characterise new signals by reducing systematics, cancelling cosmic variance and breaking degeneracies. In this talk, I will demonstrate how these programs will provide the most precise tests of fundamental physics by measuring galaxy peculiar velocity throughout cosmic time, opening new and unique windows into unexplored epochs of structure formation such as the epoch helium reionization, making pioneering first detections of multiple CMB signals and reducing the confusion effects from scattering and lensing on the CMB, while not requiring new experiments other than those being built or proposed.
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Probing reionization and structure formation with CMB and multi-line intensity mapping
Anirban Roy Cornell University
The observation of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is a powerful probe to unravel many mysteries of the late-time Universe. During the first half of the talk, I will discuss how future low-noise and high-resolution CMB experiments can be used to probe the detailed physics of reionization, constraining the morphology, shape, and temperature of ionized bubbles. Furthermore, I will talk about the prospects of LSS x CMB to understand the thermodynamic properties of gas in the halos. In the second part of my talk, I will also talk about "line intensity mapping", a novel technique that will provide us with new information from the star formation in galaxies to the expansion of our Universe. Mentioning the viable challenges, I will discuss the estimators to extract the signal in the presence of interlopers and instrumental noise. I will also describe how the MLIM could help us to perform cross-correlations with complementary probes such as CMB lensing and galaxy field. In the end, I will present the constraints on astrophysical and cosmological parameters that we hope to achieve from future intensity mapping observations.
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Cosmological parameters from BOSS and eBOSS data. Theoretical modeling of one-point probability distribution function for cosmological counts in cells.
Anton Chudaykin University of Geneva (UNIGE)
In the first part of my talk, I present the effective-field theory (EFT)-based cosmological full-shape analysis of the anisotropic power spectrum of eBOSS quasars. We perform extensive tests of our pipeline on simulations, paying particular attention to the modeling of observational systematics. Assuming the minimal ΛCDM model, we find the Hubble constant H0 = (66.7 ± 3.2) km/s/Mpc, the matter density fraction Ωm = 0.32 ± 0.03, and the late-time mass fluctuation amplitude σ8 = 0.95 ± 0.08. These measurements are fully consistent with the Planck cosmic microwave background results. Our work paves the way for systematic full-shape analyses of quasar samples from future surveys like DESI. I also present the cosmological constraints from the full-shape BOSS+eBOSS data in various extensions of the ΛCDM model, such as massive neutrinos, dynamical dark energy and spatial curvature.
In the second part, I study the one-point probability distribution function (PDF) for matter density averaged over spherical cells. The leading part to the PDF is defined by the dynamics of the spherical collapse whereas the next-to-leading part comes from the integration over fluctuations around the saddle-point solution. The latter calculation receives sizable contributions from unphysical short modes and must be renormalized. We propose a new approach to renormalization by modeling the effective stress-energy tensor for short perturbations. The model contains three free parameters which can be related to the counterterms in the one-loop matter power spectrum and bispectrum. We demonstrate that this relation can be used to impose priors in fitting the model to the PDF data. We confront the model with the results of high-resolution N-body simulations and find excellent agreement for cell radii r≥10 Mpc/h at all redshifts up to z=0.Zoom link:
Neutrino-Assisted Early Dark Energy: Theory and Cosmology
Qiuyue Liang University of Pennsylvania
The tension between measurements of the Hubble constant obtained at different redshifts may provide a hint of new physics active in the relatively early universe, around the epoch of matter- radiation equality. A leading paradigm to resolve the tension is a period of early dark energy, in which a scalar field contributes a subdominant part of the energy budget of the universe at this time. This scenario faces significant fine-tuning problems which can be ameliorated by a non- trivial coupling of the scalar to the standard model neutrinos. These become non-relativistic close to the time of matter-radiation equality, resulting in an energy injection into the scalar that kick- starts the early dark energy phase, explaining its coincidence with this seemingly unrelated epoch. We present a minimal version of this neutrino-assisted early dark energy model, and perform a detailed analysis of its predictions and theoretical constraints. We consider both particle physics constraints — that the model constitute a well-behaved effective field theory for which the quantum corrections are under control, so that the relevant predictions are within its regime of validity — and the constraints provided by requiring a consistent cosmological evolution from early through to late times. Our work paves the way for testing this scenario using cosmological data sets.
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Structure formation at the juncture of simulations and perturbation theory
Nicholas Kokron Stanford University
A key challenge for the next decade of survey cosmology is ensuring that the models for summary statistics they measure, such as galaxy clustering and lensing, are sufficiently accurate in light of the high degree of precision of these measurements. A recently proposed class of models, hybrid effective field theory (hybrid EFT), combines perturbation theory-based descriptions of the tracer--matter connection with the nonlinear dark matter distributions produced by cosmological N-body simulations. I will show how hybrid EFT promises to be a powerful model for describing the two-point statistics of clustering and lensing to small scales at high accuracy. I will proceed to survey recent developments in this juncture between simulations and perturbation theory that show their combination is mutually beneficial beyond just modelling two-point statistics.
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Cutting Cosmological Correlators
Harry Goodhew University of Cambridge
The initial conditions of our universe appear to us in the form of a classical probability distribution that we probe with cosmological observations. In the current leading paradigm, this probability distribution arises from a quantum mechanical wavefunction of the universe. In this talk I will discuss how we can adapt flat space bootstrapping techniques to the quantum fluctuations in the early universe, in particular showing that the requirement of unitary time evolution, colloquially the conservation of probabilities, fixes the analytic structure of the wavefunction and of all the cosmological correlators it encodes.
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Shapes of non-Gaussianity in warm inflation
Mehrdad Mirbabayi Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Sphaleron heating has been recently proposed as a mechanism to realize warm inflation when inflaton is an axion coupled to pure Yang-Mills. As a result of heating, there is a friction coefficient γ\propto T^3 in the equation of motion for the inflaton, and a thermal contribution to cosmological fluctuations. Without the knowledge of the inflaton potential, non-Gaussianity is the most promising way of searching for the signatures of this model. Building on an earlier work by Bastero-Gil, Berera, Moss and Ramos, we compute the scalar three-point correlation function and point out some distinct features in the squeezed and folded limits. As a detection strategy, we show that the combination of the equilateral template and one new template has a large overlap with the shape of non-Gaussianity over the range 0.01 <= γ/Η <= 1000 and in this range 0.7<|f_NL|<50.
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Newborn super star clusters at Cosmic Noon seen through gravitational lensing
Liang Dai University of California, Berkeley
Super star clusters with masses > 1e6 Msun are thought to be progenitors of globular clusters (GCs). Their births however are seldomly seen in the local Universe. The puzzle of chemically peculiar populations found in most globular clusters implies that much is to be understood about what happens in the immediate environment of these young systems that host a large number of massive stars. I will present a photometric and spectroscopic study of a highly magnified, LyC-leaking super star cluster with a mass ~1e7 Msun and an age ~3–4 Myr, in a lensed Cosmic Noon galaxy. We found dense photoionized clouds at just ~ 10 pc that are highly enriched with nitrogen. We theorize that these dense clouds originate from massive star ejecta and may have implications for the origin of chemically peculiar stars. If time permits, I will discuss another lensed star cluster in the same galaxy that has a lensing anomaly and show intense Fe III fluorescent emissions pumped by Lyman alpha radiation. I will discuss a theory of trapped Lyman alpha radiation to explain this unusual spectral phenomenon, which again hints at an extremely gas-enshrouded environment caused by massive star ejecta inside a compact young super star cluster. These findings call for a better understanding of the interplay between radiation, gravity, gas and massive star evolution in young super star clusters.
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Pushing the frontiers of gravitational encounters and collisionless dynamics
Uddipan Banik Princeton University
The long range nature of gravity complicates the dynamics of self-gravitating many-body systems such as galaxies and dark matter (DM) halos. Relaxation/equilibration of perturbed galaxies and cold dark matter halos is typically a collective, collisionless process. Depending on the perturbation timescale, this process can be impulsive/fast, adiabatic/slow or resonant. First, I shall present a linear perturbative formalism to compute the response (in all three regimes) of disk galaxies to external perturbations such as satellite impacts. I shall elucidate how phase-mixing of the disk response gives rise to phase-space spirals akin to those observed by Gaia in the Milky Way disk, and how these features can be used to constrain the Milky Way’s potential as well as its dynamical history. Next, I shall discuss the secular evolution of a massive perturber due to the back reaction of the near-resonant response of the host galaxy/halo. In this context I shall present two novel techniques to model the secular torque (dynamical friction) experienced by the perturber: 1. a self-consistent, time-dependent, perturbative treatment and 2. a non-perturbative orbit-based framework. These two approaches explain the origin of certain secular phenomena observed in N-body simulations of cored galaxies but unexplained in the standard Chandrasekhar and LBK theories of dynamical friction, namely core-stalling and dynamical buoyancy. I shall briefly discuss some astrophysical implications of these phenomena: potential choking of supermassive black hole mergers in cored galaxies, and the possibility of constraining the inner density profile (core vs cusp) of DM dominated dwarf galaxies and therefore the DM particle nature.
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Low-energy EFT causality bounds
Victor Pozsgay Imperial College London
In this talk, I will present a new tool to constrain low-energy Wilson coefficients in a scalar EFT (scalar for simplicity's sake but the range of applicability is much wider) based on the requirement that such theories should respect causality. Causality will be defined in the sense that no low-energy observer should be able to measure any resolvable time-advance resulting from a scattering event. I will show that these so-called causality bounds are in remarkable agreement with previously derived positivity bounds (where low energy constraints on the 4-point amplitude make use of physical assumptions of the UV completion of the EFT), while being considerably simpler and a better candidate to get cosmological and black hole gravitational bounds.
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