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Welcome and Opening Remarks
Michael Hermele University of Colorado Boulder
Quantum Phases of Matter and Entanglement Basics
John McGreevy University of California, San Diego
Seminar: Engineering quantum spin models with atoms and light
Monika Schleier-Smith Stanford University
SYK criticality and correlated metals
Subir Sachdev Harvard University
Seminar: Quantum matter in Moire materials
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Center for Extreme Quantum Information Theory (xQIT)
Exactly Solvable Topological and Fracton Models as Gauge Theories 1
Xie Chen California Institute of Technology
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Approaches to Quantum Gravity: Key Achievements and Open Issues
Hermann Nicolai Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik
Quantum gravity from the loop perspective
Alejandro Perez Aix-Marseille University
Lessons for quantum gravity from quantum information theory
Daniel Harlow Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Understanding of QG from string theory
Herman Verlinde Princeton University
Progress in horizon thermodynamics
Aron Wall University of Cambridge
Asymptotically Safe Amplitudes from the Quantum Effective Action
Frank Saueressig Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
The Remarkable Roundness of the Quantum Universe
Renate Loll Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Singularities of Schubert varieties within a right cell
Martina Lanini University of Rome Tor Vergata
Yangians and cohomological Hall algebras of Higgs sheaves on curves
Olivier Schiffmann University of Paris-Saclay
Tate's thesis in the de Rham setting
Sam Raskin The University of Texas at Austin
Fundamental local equivalences in quantum geometric Langlands
Gurbir Dhillon Stanford University
Z-algebras from Coulomb branches
Oscar Kivinen California Institute of Technology
Cotangent complexes of moduli spaces and Ginzburg dg algebras
Sarah Scherotzke University of Luxembourg
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Numerical Methods (A) - Lecture 5
Aaron Szasz Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:20060013 -
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Numerical Methods (A) - Lecture 4
Aaron Szasz Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:20060012 -
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Numerical Methods (A) - Lecture 3
Aaron Szasz Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:20060011 -
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Numerical Methods (A) - Lecture 2
Aaron Szasz Alphabet (United States)
PIRSA:20050041 -
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Numerical Methods (A) - Lecture 1
Aaron Szasz Alphabet (United States)
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Quantum Information - Lecture 5
Alioscia Hamma University of Naples Federico II
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Quantum Information - Lecture 4
Alioscia Hamma University of Naples Federico II
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Quantum Information - Lecture 3
Alioscia Hamma University of Naples Federico II
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Quantum Information - Lecture 2
Alioscia Hamma University of Naples Federico II
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Quantum Information - Lecture 1
Alioscia Hamma University of Naples Federico II
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Path Integrals (M) - Lecture 5
Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:20060007 -
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Path Integrals (M) - Lecture 4
Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:20060006 -
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Path Integrals (M) - Lecture 3
Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:20060005 -
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Path Integrals (M) - Lecture 2
Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:20050037 -
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Path Integrals (M) - Lecture 1
Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Projective elliptic genera and applications
Fei Han National University of Singapore
Topological Modular Forms and Quantum Field Theory
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Equivariant elliptic cohomology with integral coefficients
Lennart Meier Utrecht University
The de Rham model for elliptic cohomology from physics
Arnav Tripathy Harvard University
Quasisymmetric characteristic numbers for Hamiltonian toric manifolds
Jack Morava Johns Hopkins University
Codes, vertex algebras and topological modular forms
Gerd Laures Ruhr University Bochum
Elliptic characteristic classes, bow varieties, 3d mirror duality
Richard Rimanyi University of North Carolina - Chapel Hll
Special Topics in Astrophysics - Numerical Hydrodynamics
Special Topics in Astrophysics - Numerical Hydrodynamics -
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Symmetries
The aim of this course is to explore some of the many ways in which symmetries play a role in physics. We’ll start with an overview of the concept of symmetries and their description in the language of group theory. We will then discuss continuous symmetries and infinitesimal symmetries, their fundamental role in Noether’s theorem, and their formalisation in terms of Lie groups and Lie algebras. In the last part of the course we will focus on symmetries in quantum theory and introduce representations of (Lie) groups and Lie algebras.
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Numerical Methods
This course has two main goals: (1) to introduce some key models from condensed matter physics; and (2) to introduce some numerical approaches to studying these (and other) models. As a precursor to these objectives, we will carefully understand many-body states and operators from the perspective of condensed matter theory. (However, I will cover only spin models. We will not discuss or use second quantization.)
Once this background is established, we will study the method of exact diagonalization and write simple python programs to find ground states, correlation functions, energy gaps, and other properties of the transverse-field Ising model. We will also discuss the computational limitations of exact diagonalization. Finally, I will introduce the concept of matrix product states, and we will see that these can be used to study ground state properties for much larger systems than can be studied with exact diagonalization.
Each 90-minute session will include substantial programming exercises in addition to lecture. Prior programming experience is not expected or required, but I would like everyone to have python (version 3) installed on their computer prior to the first class, including Jupyter notebooks; see “Resources” below.
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Quantum Information
The aim of this course is to understand the thermodynamics of quantum systems and in the process to learn some fundamental tools in Quantum Information. We will focus on the topics of foundations of quantum statistical mechanics, resource theories, entanglement, fluctuation theorems, and quantum machines.
Summer Undergrad 2020 - Path Integrals
The goal of this course is to introduce the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics and a few of its applications. We will begin by motivating the path integral formulation and explaining its connections to other formulations of quantum mechanics and its relation to classical mechanics. We will then explore some applications of path integrals. Each 90-minute session will include roughly equal amounts of lecture time and activities. The activities are designed to enhance your learning experience and allow you to assess your own level of understanding.
Infrared Physics in Gauge and Gravity
Infrared Physics in Gauge and Gravity -