Search results from PIRSA
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30000 foot view of blazar heating
Christoph Pfrommer Universität Heidelberg - Institut für Theoretische Physik
The basics and not-so-basic physics of beam plasmas
Antoine Bret University of Castilla-La Mancha
The Basics of the Gamma-ray Sky: current observational status and future perspectives
Jim Hinton Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
The thermal state of the intergalactic medium and its effect on galaxy formation
Matthew McQuinn University of Washington
Models of Galaxy formation: Current constraints on the star formation history and feedback
Hojun Mo University of Massachusetts Amherst
Nonlinear Plasma Instabilities
Philip Chang University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Tensor network studies of 2D fermionic and frustrated systems
Philippe Corboz Universiteit van Amsterdam
Tensor network renormalization
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
Eigenstate thermalization and many body localization in the random field Heisenberg chain
David Luitz University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Statistical physics of statistical inference with hidden variables
David Schwab Northwestern University
Abelian Topological Phases: Symmetries, Defects, and Entanglement
Taylor Hughes University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Discussion 1
Eduardo Fradkin University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Particle-hole symmetry and the nature of the composite fermion
Dam Thanh Son University of Chicago
Bulk-boundary correspondence for 3D symmetry-protected topological phases
Michael Levin University of Chicago
PIRSA:15100101 -
Realizing anomalous anyonic symmetries at the surfaces of 3d gauge theories
Lukasz Fidkowski Stony Brook University
2+1D topological orders and braided fusion category
Xiao-Gang Wen Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Graded fusion categories and homotopy theory
Pavel Etingof Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Fermionic phases of matter and spin-structures
Anton Kapustin California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Division of Physics Mathematics & Astronomy
Time reversal invariant gapped boundaries of the double semion state
Fiona Burnell University of Minnesota
PIRSA:15100108 -
(3+1)-TQFTs from G-crossed braided fusion categories and their lattice realization
Zhenghan Wang Microsoft Corporation
Wolfgang Wieland University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Tensor network renormalization
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
Observable currents for effective field theories and their context
Jose Zapata National Autonomous University of Mexico
Efficient numerical methods for modern computing systems
Erik Schnetter Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
A chain of geometries
Lisa Glaser University of Vienna
Nonassociative geometry, Hom-associative algebras, and cyclic homology
Mohammad Hassanzadeh University of Windsor
The classification of well behaved simple C*-algebras
George Elliott University of Toronto
The standard model of particle physics as a non-commutative differential graded algebra
Latham Boyle University of Edinburgh
Spectral Action Models of Gravity and Packed Swiss Cheese Cosmology
Matilde Marcolli University of Toronto
The Planck scale and spectral geometry
Achim Kempf University of Waterloo
Feedback over 44 Orders of Magnitude: From Gamma-rays to the Universe
Feedback over 44 Orders of Magnitude: From Gamma-rays to the Universe
PI-UIUC Joint Workshop on Strongly Correlated Quantum Many-Body Systems 2015
PI-UIUC Joint Workshop on Strongly Correlated Quantum Many-Body Systems 2015 -
PI-UIUC Joint Workshop on Strongly Correlated Quantum Many-Body Systems 2015
PI-UIUC Joint Workshop on Strongly Correlated Quantum Many-Body Systems 2015 -
Condensed Matter Physics and Topological Field Theory
Condensed Matter Physics and Topological Field Theory -
Condensed Matter Physics and Topological Field Theory
Condensed Matter Physics and Topological Field Theory -
Renormalization in Background Independent Theories: Foundations and Techniques
Renormalization in Background Independent Theories: Foundations and Techniques -
Renormalization in Background Independent Theories: Foundations and Techniques
Renormalization in Background Independent Theories: Foundations and Techniques -
Noncommutative Geometry and Physics
Noncommutative Geometry and Physics -
Noncommutative Geometry and Physics
Noncommutative Geometry and Physics