Boundaries and defects play central roles in quantum field theory (QFT) both as means to make contact with nature and as tools to constrain and understand QFT itself. Boundaries in QFT can be used to model impurities and also the finite extent of sample sizes while interfaces allow for different phases of matter to interact in a controllable way. More formally these structures shed light on the structure of QFT by providing new examples of dualities and renormalization group flows. Broadly speaking this meeting will focus on three areas: 1) formal and applied aspects of boundary and defect conformal field theory from anomalies and c-theorems to topological insulators 2) supersymmetry and duality from exact computations of new observables to the construction of new theories and 3) QFT in curved space and gravity from holographic computations of entanglement entropy to ideas in quantum information theory. Registration for this event is now open.
Format results
Boundaries and Interfaces in 3d, and Applications
Natalie Paquette University of Washington
Wilson loops and defect CFT
Simone Giombi Princeton University
Boundary correlators of Liouville and Toda theories on AdS2 and AdS/CFT
Arkady Tseytlin Imperial College London
BPS Wilson loop in AdS4/CFT3
Silvia Penati University of Milano-Bicocca
Entanglement, free energy and C-theorem in DCFT
Tatsuma Nishioka University of Tokyo
Shape dependence of superconformal defects
Lorenzo Bianchi University of Turin
Entanglement negativity in many-body systems, and holography
Shinsei Ryu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Colliders and conformal interfaces
Marco Meineri L'Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Quantum Work of an Optical Lattice and Boundary Field Theory
Natan Andrei Rutgers University