Machine learning techniques are rapidly being adopted into the field of quantum many-body physics including condensed matter theory experiment and quantum information science. The steady increase in data being produced by highly-controlled quantum experiments brings the potential of machine learning algorithms to the forefront of scientific advancement. Particularly exciting is the prospect of using machine learning for the discovery and design of quantum materials devices and computers. In order to make progress the field must address a number of fundamental questions related to the challenges of studying many-body quantum mechanics using classical computing algorithms and hardware. The goal of this conference is to bring together experts in computational physics machine learning and quantum information to make headway on a number of related topics including: Data-drive quantum state reconstruction Machine learning strategies for quantum error correction Neural-network based wavefunctions Near-term prospects for data from quantum devices Machine learning for quantum algorithm discovery Registration for this event is now closed
Format results
The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm and spin chains
Glen Mbend SISSA International School for Advanced Studies
Shortcuts in Real and Imaginary Time
Timothy Hsieh Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum scale anomaly and spatial coherence in a 2D Fermi superfluid
Nicolo Defenu Heidelberg University
The challenge to deliver high accuracy on large computer simulations
Andrea Zen University College London
Optimizing Quantum Optimization
Stefan Leichenauer Alphabet (United States)
Machine learning ground-state energies and many-body wave function
Sebastiano Pilati University of Camerino
Deep learning and density functional theory
Isaac Tamblyn University of Ottawa
Machine Learning Physics: From Quantum Mechanics to Holographic Geometry
Yi-Zhuang You University of California, San Diego
Machine learning phase discovery in quantum gas microscope images
Ehsan Khatami San Jose State University