In the last few years there has been a resurgence of interest in small scale high sensitivity experiments that look for new forces and new particles beyond the Standard Model. They promise to expand our understanding of the Cosmos and possibly explain mysteries such as Dark matter in a way that is complementary to colliders and other large scale experiments. There is a number of different physics motivations and approaches currently being explored in many on-going and newly proposed experiments and they often share common experimental techniques.Many workshops in this field focus on the theory motivations behind these experiments without emphasis on the details of the experimental techniques that enable precision measurements. There is also substantial experimental expertise across many fields, often outside of fundamental physics community, that can be relevant to ongoing and proposed experiments.Thus, we decided to organize the workshop around some of the common experimental techniques. We hope it will be educational for both experimentalists and theorists and lead to discussions on the best way forward. We would like to bring together experimentalists with different expertise in the hope that it will lead to new ideas through interdisciplinary interactions. For theorists, we expect it to provide better appreciation of the challenges and opportunities in improving the sensitivity of precision measurement experiments.
Format results
Fundamental Physics with (Weird) Magnetic Resonance
Dmitry Budker University of California, Berkeley
Searches for light scalar dark matter
Ken Van Tilburg New York University (NYU)
Precision measurements in small magnetic fields
Peter Fierlinger Technical University of Munich (TUM)
Innovations and applications of high-power optical pumping
William Hersman University of New Hampshire
Precision measurements with nuclear spin co-magnetometers
Mike Romalis Princeton University
SQUIDs for ARIADNE, pEDM and Axion
Yong-Ho Lee Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Noble Gases
Brian Saam Utah State University
When the table-top experiments need the ultracryogenic tons dimension: a personal/experimental remarks
Luca Taffarrello National Institute for Nuclear Physics
Fundamental physics with low-frequency mechanical oscillators
Eric Adelberger Washington University in St. Louis
LTS dc-SQUID sensors for precision measurements in metrology and fundamental physics
Joern Beyer Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)