
Testing gravity using astrophysics


Sakstein, J. (2016). Testing gravity using astrophysics. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. https://pirsa.org/16030076


Sakstein, Jeremy. Testing gravity using astrophysics. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Mar. 08, 2016, https://pirsa.org/16030076


          @misc{ scivideos_PIRSA:16030076,
            doi = {10.48660/16030076},
            url = {https://pirsa.org/16030076},
            author = {Sakstein, Jeremy},
            keywords = {Cosmology},
            language = {en},
            title = {Testing gravity using astrophysics},
            publisher = {Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics},
            year = {2016},
            month = {mar},
            note = {PIRSA:16030076 see, \url{https://scivideos.org/pirsa/16030076}}

Jeremy Sakstein University of Pennsylvania

Talk numberPIRSA:16030076
Source RepositoryPIRSA
Talk Type Scientific Series


Alternative theories of gravity are popular alternatives to the LCDM model because they can self-accelerate without a cosmological constant. On smaller scales, consistency with solar system tests of gravity is achieved by utilising screening mechanisms, which act to hide fifth-forces locally. This makes them difficult to distinguish from general relativity. In this talk I will describe recent work using astrophysical objects---stars, galaxies, and clusters---as new and novel probes of alternative gravity theories.