


Vikman, A. (2012). G-Bounce. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. https://pirsa.org/12030103


Vikman, Alexander. G-Bounce. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Mar. 19, 2012, https://pirsa.org/12030103


          @misc{ scivideos_PIRSA:12030103,
            doi = {10.48660/12030103},
            url = {https://pirsa.org/12030103},
            author = {Vikman, Alexander},
            keywords = {Cosmology},
            language = {en},
            title = {G-Bounce},
            publisher = {Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics},
            year = {2012},
            month = {mar},
            note = {PIRSA:12030103 see, \url{https://scivideos.org/pirsa/12030103}}

Alexander Vikman European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

Talk numberPIRSA:12030103
Source RepositoryPIRSA
Talk Type Scientific Series


I will discuss a wide class of models which realise a bounce in a spatially flat Friedmann universe in standard General Relativity. The key ingredient is a noncanonical, minimally coupled scalar field
belonging to the class of theories with Kinetic Gravity Braiding/Galileon-like self-couplings. In these models, the universe smoothly volves from contraction to expansion, suffering neither from ghosts
nor gradient instabilities around the turning point. The end-point of he evolution can be a standard radiation-domination era or an nflationary phase.
The talk is based on arXiv:1109.1047v2 [hep-th], JCAP11(2011)021.