
UV Properties of Galileons


(2015). UV Properties of Galileons. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. https://pirsa.org/15020085


UV Properties of Galileons. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Feb. 17, 2015, https://pirsa.org/15020085


          @misc{ scivideos_PIRSA:15020085,
            doi = {10.48660/15020085},
            url = {https://pirsa.org/15020085},
            author = {},
            keywords = {Cosmology},
            language = {en},
            title = {UV Properties of Galileons},
            publisher = {Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics},
            year = {2015},
            month = {feb},
            note = {PIRSA:15020085 see, \url{https://scivideos.org/pirsa/15020085}}
Talk numberPIRSA:15020085
Source RepositoryPIRSA
Talk Type Scientific Series


It is well known that S-matrix Analyticity, Lorentz invariance and Unitarity place strong constraints on whether Effective Field Theories can be UV completed. A large class of gravitational field theories such as Massive Gravity and DGP inspired braneworld models contain as limits Galileon theories which in the past have been argued to violate the conditions necessary for a UV completion. I will present arguments that imply quite the opposite, although Galileons do not admit a standard Wilsonian UV completion, I will use the recently discovered Galileon duality to argue that these theories can exhibit a non-Wilsonian completion consistent with the `Classicalization’ proposal. These theories have quintessentially gravitational properties such as non-polynomially bounded scattering amplitudes, absence of local off-shell observables and an exponentially soft 2-2 scattering amplitude. These properties show up in a violation of the standard Wightman axioms and are consistent with many of the known properties of UV completions of gravity. I will argue that the superluminal solutions found in the low energy EFT are absent in the UV completion.