The Case for Renormalizable Quantum Gravity: from local to nonlocal approaches (and back!)
Luca Buoninfante Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics
Search results from PIRSA
Luca Buoninfante Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics
Po-Shen Hsin California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Ferah Munshi George Mason University
Bob Holdom University of Toronto
Renate Loll Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
John Donoghue University of Massachusetts Amherst
Miguel Mlontero IFT Madrid
Fernando Quevedo University of Cambridge
Carlo Rovelli Aix-Marseille University
Andrew Tolley Imperial College London
John Donoghue University of Massachusetts Amherst
Johanna Erdmenger University of Würzburg
Miguel Mlontero IFT Madrid
Sabrina Pasterski Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Andrew Tolley Imperial College London
Sabrina Pasterski Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Miguel Mlontero IFT Madrid
Johanna Erdmenger University of Würzburg