Search results from PIRSA
8941 - 8952 of 16425 Results
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Functional renormalization group and statistical mechanics of membranes
Omar Zanusso SISSA Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
PIRSA:14050115 -
Lattice models for anomalous field theories
John McGreevy University of California, San Diego
PIRSA:14050110 -
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, gravity, and spinning objects
Solomon Endlich Stanford University
PIRSA:14050111 -
Last gasp of a black hole: why unitary evaporation must be non-monotonic
Matteo Smerlak Capital Fund Management S.A.
Informal Talk on geometry of tensor networks (MERA) and AdS/CFT
Brian Swingle Brandeis University
PIRSA:14050150 -