Search results from PIRSA
8053 - 8064 of 16424 Results
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Buildings, WKB analysis, and spectral networks
Pranav Pandit Technische Universität Wien
Introduction to exact WKB analysis I
Kohei Iwaki Nagoya University
Scattering Amplitudes and Riemann Surfaces
Freddy Cachazo Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Ruxandra Moraru University of Waterloo
Alberto Garcia-Raboso University of Toronto
Marco Gualtieri University of Toronto
Wilson Loops in CDT Quantum Gravity
Renate Loll Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Defects and degeneracies in supersymmetry protected phases
Kareljan Schoutens Universiteit van Amsterdam
Unruh-DeWitt detectors in RQI: from the basics to frontiers
Yidun Wan Fudan University