Search results from PIRSA
7609 - 7620 of 16421 Results
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Supersymmetric flavors on curved space and a precision test of AdS/CFT
Christoph Uhlemann Vrije Universiteit Brussel
PSI 2015/2016 - Statistical Mechanics - Lecture 14
Baskaran Ganapathy Institute of Mathematical Sciences
PIRSA:15100099 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I - Lecture 14
Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Tibra Ali Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:15100049 -
Fault-tolerant error correction with the gauge color code
Benjamin Brown University of Sydney
Representations of truncated shifted Yangians and symplectic duality
Joel Kamnitzer University of Toronto
Near-Horizon Magnetospheres of Rapidly Spinning Black Holes
Alex Lupsasca Harvard University