Search results from PIRSA
6577 - 6588 of 16421 Results
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Topological quantum mechanics and Higgs branches of 3d N=4 theories
Mykola Dedushenko Stony Brook University
Fishing for new physics at the LHC
Simon Knapen Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Periods, Motives, and graphical interpretations thereof
Owen Patashnick University of Bristol
The bulk dual of the lowest resonance in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model
Josephine Suh University of British Columbia
Karol Zyczkowski Jagiellonian University
The Coherent Satake Category, Clusters, and Wilson-'t Hooft Operators
Harold Williams University of California, Davis
Probing fundamental physics with galaxies
Neal Dalal Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Theories with indefinite causal structure
Ding Jia Toward a theory of everything
Multi-Boundary Entanglement in Chern-Simons theory & Link Invariants
Onkar Parrikar University of Pennsylvania