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Statistical Mechanical Models and Topological Color Codes.
Hector Bombin PsiQuantum Corp.
A unifying view of graph theory in quantum field theory
Achim Kempf University of Waterloo
Matchgates and the classical simulation of associated quantum circuits
Richard Jozsa University of Cambridge
Quantum information, graphs, and statistical mechanics
Maarten Van den Nest Universität Innsbruck
Pseudo-random quantum states and operations
Aram Harrow Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Quantum Information and Graph Theory - Introduction
PIRSA:08040074 -
Spin Liquid with Spinon Fermi Surface: Its Stability and Possible Application to the Organics
Sung-Sik Lee McMaster University
PIRSA:07040033 -
Non-Metallic Resistivity in Strongly Correlated Metals
Stephen Julian University of Toronto
PIRSA:08040037 -
Computing Unconventional Quantum Phase Transitions
Roger Melko University of Waterloo
On the Pauli graphs of N-qudits
Michel Planat FEMTO-ST
A comprehensive graph theoretical and finite geometrical study of the commutation relations between the generalized Pauli operators of N-qudits is performed in which vertices/points correspond to the operators and edges/lines join commuting pairs of them. As per two-qubits, all basic properties and partitionings of the corresponding Pauli graph are embodied in the geometry of the generalized quadrangle of order two. Here, one identifies the operators with the points of the quadrangle and groups of maximally commuting subsets of the operators with the lines of the quadrangle. The three basic partitionings are (a) a pencil of lines and a cube, (b) a Mermin\'s array and a bipartite-part and (c) a maximum independent set and the Petersen graph. These factorizations stem naturally from the existence of three distinct geometric hyperplanes of the quadrangle, namely a set of points collinear with a given point, a grid and an ovoid, which answer to three distinguished subsets of the Pauli graph, namely a set of six operators commuting with a given one, a Mermin\'s square, and set of five mutually non-commuting operators, respectively. The generalized Pauli graph for multiple qubits is found to follow from symplectic polar spaces of order two, where maximal totally isotropic subspaces stand for maximal subsets of mutually commuting operators. The substructure of the (strongly regular) N-qubit Pauli graph is shown to be pseudo-geometric, i. e., isomorphic to a graph of a partial geometry. Finally, the (not strongly regular) Pauli graph of a two-qutrit system is introduced; here it turns out more convenient to deal with its dual in order to see all the parallels with the two-qubit case and its surmised relation with the generalized quadrangle Q(4, 3), the dual ofW(3). Joint work with Metod Saniga. Based on arXiv:quant-ph/0701211. -
Statistical Mechanical Models and Topological Color Codes.
Hector Bombin PsiQuantum Corp.
We find that the overlapping of a topological quantum color code state, representing a quantum memory, with a factorized state of qubits can be written as the partition function of a 3-body classical Ising model on triangular or Union Jack lattices. This mapping allows us to test that different computational capabilities of color codes correspond to qualitatively different universality classes of their associated classical spin models. By generalizing these statistical mechanical models for arbitrary inhomogeneous and complex couplings, it is possible to study a measurement-based quantum computation with a color code state and we find that their classical simulatability remains an open problem. We complement the meaurement-based computation with the construction of a cluster state that yields the topological color code and this also gives the possibility to represent statistical models with external magnetic fields. Joint work with M.A. Martin-Delgado. -
A unifying view of graph theory in quantum field theory
Achim Kempf University of Waterloo
A fundamental theorem of quantum field theory states that the generating functionals of connected graphs and one-particle irreducible graphs are related by Legendre transformation. An equivalent statement is that the tree level Feynman graphs yield the solution to the classical equations of motion. Existing proofs of either fact are either lengthy or are short but less rigorous. Here we give a short transparent rigorous proof. On the practical level, our methods could help make the calculation of Feynman graphs more efficient. On the conceptual level, our methods yield a new, unifying view of the structure of perturbative quantum field theory, and they reveal the fundamental role played by the Euler characteristic of graphs. This is joint work with D.M. Jackson (UW) and A. Morales (MIT) -
Matchgates and the classical simulation of associated quantum circuits
Richard Jozsa University of Cambridge
Some years ago Valiant introduced a notion of \'matchgate\' and \'holographic algorithm\', based on properties of counting perfect matchings in graphs. This provided some new poly-time classical algorithms and embedded in this formalism, he recognised a remarkable class of quantum circuits (arising when matchgates happen to be unitary) that can be classically efficiently simulated. Subsequently various workers (including Knill, Terhal and DiVincenzo, Bravyi) showed that these results can be naturally interpreted in terms of the formalism of fermionic quantum computation. In this talk I will outline how unitary matchgates and their simulability arise from considering a Clifford algebra of anticommuting symbols, and then I\'ll discuss some avenues for further generalisation and interesting properties of matchgate circuits. In collaboration with Akimasa Miyake, University of Innsbruck. -
Quantum information, graphs, and statistical mechanics
Maarten Van den Nest Universität Innsbruck
We give an overview of several connections between topics in quantum information theory, graph theory, and statistical mechanics. The central concepts are mappings from statistical mechanical models defined on graphs, to entangled states of multi-party quantum systems. We present a selection of such mappings, and illustrate how they can be used to obtain a cross-fertilization between different research areas. For example, we show how width parameters in graph theory such as \'tree-width\' and \'rank-width\', which may be used to assess the computational hardness of evaluating partition functions, are intimately related with the entanglement measure \'entanglement width\', which is used to asses to computational power of resource states in quantum information. Furthermore, using our mappings we provide simple techniques to relate different statistical mechanical models with each other via basic graph transformations. These techniques can be used to prove that that there exist models which are \'complete\' in the sense that every other model can be viewed as a special instance of such a complete model via a polynomial reduction. Examples of such complete models include the 2D Ising model in an external field, as well as the zero-field 3D Ising model. Joint work with W. Duer, G. de las Cuevas, R. Huebener and H. Briegel -
Pseudo-random quantum states and operations
Aram Harrow Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
The idea of pseudo-randomness is to use little or no randomness to simulate a random object such as a random number, permutation, graph, quantum state, etc... The simulation should then have some superficial resemblance to a truly random object; for example, the first few moments of a random variable should be nearly the same. This concept has been enormously useful in classical computer science. In my talk, I\'ll review some quantum analogues of pseudo-randomness: unitary k-designs, quantum expanders (and their new cousin, quantum tensor product expanders), extractors. I\'ll talk about relations between them, efficient constructions, and possible applications. Some of the material is joint work with Matt Hastings and Richard Low. -
Complex Lines
Chris Godsil University of Waterloo
Certain structures arising in Physics (mub\'s and sic-povm\'s) can be viewed as sets of lines in complex space that are as large as possible, given some simple constraints on the angles between distinct lines. The analogous problems in real space have long been of interest in Combinatorics, because of their relation to classical combinatorial structures. In the complex case there seems no reason for any combinatorial connection to exist. will discuss some of the history of the real problems, and describe some recent work that relates the complex problems to some very interesting classes of graphs. -
Quantum Information and Graph Theory - Introduction
PIRSA:08040074 -
Spin Liquid with Spinon Fermi Surface: Its Stability and Possible Application to the Organics
Sung-Sik Lee McMaster University
PIRSA:07040033Based on a U(1) gauge theory of the Hubbard model on the triangular lattice, it is argued that a spin liquid phase may exist near the Mott transition in the organic compound κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3. In the spin liquid state, low energy excitations are fermionic spinons and an emergent U(1) gauge boson. Highly unusual transport properties are predicted due to the presence of a spinon Fermi surface. Despite rather good agreements with experiments, the stability of the spin liquid state has been continuously questioned because of the fluctuating gauge field which may destabilize the spin liquid state via confinement. In this talk, I will discuss how the presence of spinon Fermi surface can stabilize the spin liquid state against non-perturbative gauge fluctuations. -
Non-Metallic Resistivity in Strongly Correlated Metals
Stephen Julian University of Toronto
PIRSA:08040037There are a few examples in the literature of metals that, in the T 0 K limit, show a resistivity that rises with decreasing temperature without any sign of either saturation or a gap. Well known cases include underdoped cuprates in high magnetic fields and some doped uranium heavy fermion compounds. I will review these and some less-well-known cases, before describing the behaviour of FeCrAs [1], in which we find a continuously rising resistivity from 900 K down to below 50 mK, with a brief interruption due to an antiferromagnetic transition at about 100 K. Down to at least 50 mK the resistivity is nearly linear in temperature, but with a negative coefficient. We speculate that this behaviour may be connected to fluctuations of frustrated iron “trimers” that do not order magnetically. 1. W. Wu, A. McCollam, P.M.C. Rourke, D. Rancourt, I. Swainson and S.R. Julian, in preparation. -
Computing Unconventional Quantum Phase Transitions
Roger Melko University of Waterloo
PIRSA:08040036Calculating universal properties of quantum phase transitions in microscopic Hamiltonians is a challenging task, made possible through large-scale numerical simulations coupled with finite-size scaling analyses. The continuing advancement of quantum Monte Carlo technologies, together with modern high-performance computing infrastructure, has made amenable a new class of quantum Heisenberg Hamiltonian with four-spin exchange, which may harbor a continuous Néel-to-Valence Bond Solid quantum phase transition. Such an exotic quantum critical point would necessarily lie outside of the standard Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm, and may contain novel physical phenomena such as emergent topological order and quantum number fractionalization. I will discuss efforts to calculate universal critical exponents using large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations, and compare them to theoretical predictions, in particular from the recent theory of deconfined quantum criticality.