Search results from Strings Conferences
1 - 12 of 66 Results
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D-instanton contribution to string amplitudes
Ashoke Sen (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)strings:20211080 -
Achievements, progress and open questions in string field theory
Yuji Okawa (U of Tokyo), Barton Zwiebach (MIT)strings:20211074 -
Mean string field theory: Landau-Ginzburg theory for one-form symmetries
John McGreevy (UC San Diego)strings:20211049 -
Generalized symmetries, algebras and entropy
Horacio Casini (Centro Atómico Bariloche)strings:20211048 -
Artificial intelligence and string theory
Michael Douglas (Stony Brook U), Fabian Ruehle (Oxford U)strings:20211046 -
Vertex Algebras and Superconformal Field Theories in Four Dimensions
Christopher Beemstrings:20191001 -
Some mathematical applications of little string theory
Mina Aganagic (Bekerly University)strings:20161001 -
Information loss paradox and asymptotic black holes
Pei-Ming Ho (National Taiwan University)strings:20161033 -
Entanglement, gravity and tensor networks
Juan Maldacena (Institute for Advanced Study)strings:20161049 -
The Weak Gravity Conjecture, Black Holes, and Cosmology
Gary Shiu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)strings:20161065 -
Space-time action for G_2 compactifications in superspace
Katrin Becker (Texas A&M University)strings:20161006 -
Gravitational Positive Energy Theorems from Information Inequalities
Hirosi Ooguri (California Institute of Technology)strings:20161054 -
The stereoscopic holographic dictionary
James Sully (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)strings:20161070 -
Strings from a Higher Spin Perspective
Matthias Gaberdiel (ETH-Zurich, Switzerland)strings:20151006 -
Trans-planckian axion field ranges and string theory
Angel M. Uranga (IFT-UAM/CSIC, Spain)strings:20151011 -
Twistor Origin of the Superstring
Nathan Berkovits (Instituto de Física Teórica, Brasil)strings:20151005 -
Constraints From Conformal Invariance on Inflationary Correlators
Sandip Trivedi (TIFR-Mumbai, India)strings:20151010 -
Structure Constants and Integrable Bootstrap in N=4 SYM Theory
Benjamin Basso (LPTENS, France)strings:20151004 -
Surviving in a metastable de Sitter space-time
Ashoke Sen (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India)strings:20151009 -
Gravitational turbulent instability of AdS5
Piotr Bizon (Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam)strings:20141001 -
Mass renormalization and vacuum shift in string theory
Ashoke Sen (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad)strings:20141006 -
Chiral algebras and the superconformal bootstrap in four and six dimensions
Leonardo Rastelli (YITP, Stony Brook)strings:20141005 -
Detection of B-mode Polarization at Degree Angular Scales with BICEP2
John Kovac (Harvard University, Cambridge)strings:20141003
Holographic Entanglement Entropy of Excited States
T. Takayanagi (YITP/KIPMU, Japan)strings:20131009 -
Recent Applications of the Gauge/Gravity Correspondence to QCD and Condensed Matter Physics
A. Karch (University of Washington)strings:20121001 -
Why General Relativity is like a High Temperature Superconductor
G. Horowitz (UC, Santa Barbara)strings:20121006 -
New Horizons in Finite Density Field Theory and String Theory
S. Kachru (Stanford University/SLAC)strings:20121010 -
RG and unitarity in spacetime-dependent QFT
E. Silverstein (Stanford University/SLAC)strings:20121004 -
Friedel oscillations and horizon charge in 1D holographic liquids
N. Iqbal (KITP, Santa Barbara)strings:20121009 -
(In) Stabilities and complementarity in AdS/CFT
E. Rabinovici (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)strings:20121003 -
Multiloop systematics in pure spinor field theory
Michael B. Green (DAMTP, Cambridge)strings:20111001 -
LHC results and prospects from a theorist's viewpoint
Fabio Zwirner (University of Padua)strings:20111004 -
Lie Algebra Structures in Yang-Mills and Gravity Amplitudes
Henrik Johansson (Saclay)strings:20111003 -
Recent Results for Holographic Three-Point Functions
Thomas Klose (Uppsala University)strings:20111002 -