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Complex Manifolds
PIRSA:05060071 -
Twistor String Theory and Perturbative Yang-Mills 1
Freddy Cachazo Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:05060072 -
Twistor String Theory and Perturbative Yang-Mills 2
Freddy Cachazo Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:05060074 -
Complex Manifolds
PIRSA:05060075 -
Perturbative String Theory
PIRSA:05060076 -
Can one measure complexity?
PIRSA:05050026 -
Constraints on String Scale and Coupling from Non-Gaussianity
Anupam Mazumdar University of Groningen
PIRSA:05040048 -
Cosmological Effective Actions Imply New Physics in the CMB
PIRSA:05040049 -
LIGO: Astronomical Observatory and Physics Playground
PIRSA:05040050 -
Modular Cosmology
PIRSA:05040052 -
Panel on Precision Cosmology
Subha Majumdar Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
Jon Sievers McGill University - Department of Physics
Comments on Spectrum-generating Symmetries for D-branes
PIRSA:05030124 -
D3/D7-Brane Inflation and Semilocal Cosmic Strings
PIRSA:05030127 -
On Moduli Stabilisation in Calabi-Yau Flux Compactifications
Dummettian Sense
PIRSA:05030084 -
Is There More to Visual Representation than Deception?
PIRSA:05030086 -
Interpretations of Probability in Quantum Mechanics
PIRSA:05030088 -
Keynote Address: Relationalism in Physics and Cosmology
Lee Smolin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:05030089 -
The Genetic Fallacy
Supergravity Backgrounds from Generalized Calabi-Yau Manifolds (Part 2)
Mariana Graña CEA Saclay
PIRSA:05030081 -
Supergravity Backgrounds from Generalized Calabi-Yau Manifolds (Part 1)
Mariana Graña CEA Saclay
PIRSA:05030077 -
Interpretation of Quantum Theory: Lecture 26 (Bonus)
Seth Lloyd Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Center for Extreme Quantum Information Theory (xQIT)
Interpretation of Quantum Theory: Lecture 25
Joseph Emerson Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
PIRSA:05040043 -
Interpretation of Quantum Theory: Lecture 21
Lucien Hardy Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:05030118 -
Interpretation of Quantum Theory: Lecture 20
Alain Aspect Institut d'Optique - Graduate School
PIRSA:05030114 -
Interpretation of Quantum Theory: Lecture 19
Alain Aspect Institut d'Optique - Graduate School
Motives and Strings. (no audio)
PIRSA:04110015 -
Generalized Kahler geometry and T-duality (no audio)
Marco Gualtieri University of Toronto
PIRSA:04110016 -
T-duality for holomorphic non-commutative tori
PIRSA:04110018 -
Affine structures, mirror symmetry, and K3 surfaces
PIRSA:04110019 -
About Semi-Classical Quantum Gravity
Alejandro Corichi National Autonomous University of Mexico
PIRSA:04100019 -
Physical Ramifications of Quantum Geometry
John Baez University of California, Riverside
PIRSA:04100020 -
The Problem of Dynamics in Quantum Gravity
John Baez University of California, Riverside
PIRSA:04100021 -
Is a past finite order the inner basis of space-time?
Rafael Sorkin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:04100022 -
Statistical Aspects of Semi-Classical Quantum Gravity
Luca Bombelli University of Mississippi
PIRSA:04100023 -
Coarse Graining in Loop Quantization
Jose Zapata National Autonomous University of Mexico
PIRSA:04100025 -
CACTUS as a Collaborative Tool for Discrete Quantum Gravity
David Rideout University of California, San Diego
Sir Roger Penrose - Are We Due for a New Revolution in Fundamental Physics?
Roger Penrose University of Oxford
PIRSA:04100005 -
James Hartle - Einstein\'s Vision and the Quantum Universe.
James Hartle University of California, Santa Barbara
PIRSA:04100004 -
Anthony Leggett - Thoughts on the future of Physics.
Anthony Leggett University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
PIRSA:04100003 -
Juan Maldacena - Black Holes and the Structure of Space Time
Juan Maldacena Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
PIRSA:04100001 -
Steven Weinberg - The Origin of the Universe.
Steven Weinberg University of Texas - Austin
Summer School: Strings, Gravity & Cosmology - 2005
This will be the third in an ongoing series of annual summer schools in theoretical physics held in Canada. The first and second editions of these schools will be held at the University of British Columbia. These schools are intended to educate graduate students and young researchers on current developments in string theory and its interface with gravity and cosmology. Our intent in organizing the 2005 school at the Perimeter Institute at this time is that it will also offer the students the opportunity to attend the Strings 2005 conference, which will be held in Toronto in the week immediately following the school. -
Complexity and Networks - 2005
This spring 2005 seminar series presents some of the concepts and models that have been developed in recent years to explain the emergence of complexity or to parameterize, measure or describe complex systems. This includes the theory of self-organized criticality, information or algorithmic measures of complexity, using networks to capture relevant interactions in physical, biological and technological systems, and attempts to describe turbulence, as well as aspects of biological and social behaviour within this framework. Talks are aimed at an advanced undergraduate audience. -
Physica Phantastica 2005
Perimeter Institute brings the full wonder of modern physics and the excitement of 21st -century theoretical physics research into your high school classroom. Many thousands of students have been reached since the program's inception in the fall of 2001. Expanding first throughout South Western Ontario, the program now reaches students in classrooms all across Canada. -
Perimeter/UofT/CITA Mini-Workshop - 2005
This mini-workshop will be the next of an ongoing series of one-day meetings between researchers at Perimeter, CITA and University of Toronto. These meetings are held to share new ideas and encourage interactions in our common fields of interest: superstrings, cosmology, particle theory and quantum gravity. -
Thematic Program on The Geometry of String Theory 2004 - 2005: String Phenomenology
String phenomenology is an emerging research area in the rich interdisciplinary boundaries of string theory, particle physics, and cosmology. Although research in string phenomenology is motivated by physical questions, progress often comes from connections to more formal and mathematical aspects of string theory. These connections include: *How does the Standard Model of particle physics arise from string theory?: CalabiYau manifolds, G2 manifolds, brane worlds, orientfolds, intersecting Dbranes, warped compactifications, flux compactifications *Can string theory provide a realistic cosmology?: brane cosmology, tachyon condensation, string field theory, decay of unstable branes, thermodynamics of strings and branes, Hagedorn temperature, models of inflation, timedependent backgrounds *What are the experimental signatures of string theory?: brane worlds, extra dimensions, signatures of short distance physics from early universe cosmology, cosmic strings It is truly an exciting time in cosmology where experiments have produced and are continuing to yield an abundance of precision data. Similarly, collider experiments at Fermilab, SLAC and CERN, as well as precision lowenergy experiments, have the potential to make remarkable new discoveries in particle physics in the next five years. Hence string phenomenology is both a timely and exciting topic of a workshop in 2005. -
Cosmology/Strings MiniWorkshop - 2005
cosmology/strings miniworkshop kitano, easther, graesser -
2005 Waterloo PGSA Conference
2005 Waterloo PGSA Conference -
Generalized Geometries in String Theory
Minicourse lectures by Marco Gualtieri, Yi Li and Mariana Granas. -
Interpretation of Quantum Theory - 2005
Interpretation of Quantum Theory: Current Status and Future Directions -
Thematic Program on The Geometry of String Theory 2004 - 2005: Mirror Symmetry
This meeting will be an international gathering of leading researchers to discuss the latest developments in our understanding of "mirror symmetry", a surprising relation that can exist between two Calabi-Yau manifolds. It happens that two such geometries may look very different, but are nevertheless equivalent when employed as hidden dimensions in string theory. Mirror symmetry has become a very powerful tool in both physics and mathematics. -
Workshop on Quantum Gravity in the Americas: Status and future directions - 2004
The goal of the workshop is to bring together Quantum Gravity researchers working in the Americas to share their approaches and results, draw connections between research efforts, develop a broader perspective on the issues, focus on outstanding problems, foster an interactive community, and set objectives for future research. This workshop is a following-up of the workshop organized in January in Mexico. -
Perimeter Institute\'s Grand Opening Gala
Top scientists in the world speak at Perimeter Institute to celebrate the grand opening of their new facility in Waterloo.