Exponentially large extra dimensions and soft supersymmetry breaking in type IIB flux compactifications
(). Exponentially large extra dimensions and soft supersymmetry breaking in type IIB flux compactifications. SciVideos. https://scivideos.org/index.php/strings-conferences/20051017
Exponentially large extra dimensions and soft supersymmetry breaking in type IIB flux compactifications. SciVideos, , https://scivideos.org/index.php/strings-conferences/20051017
@misc{ scivideos_strings:20051017, doi = {}, url = {https://scivideos.org/index.php/strings-conferences/20051017}, author = {}, keywords = {}, language = {en}, title = {Exponentially large extra dimensions and soft supersymmetry breaking in type IIB flux compactifications}, publisher = {}, year = {}, month = {}, note = {strings:20051017 see, \url{https://scivideos.org/index.php/strings-conferences/20051017}} }
Fernando Quevedo (University of Cambridge)
Talk numberstrings:20051017
Source RepositoryStrings Conferences