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Reduction From Non-Unique Games to Boolean Unique Games


(2020). Reduction From Non-Unique Games to Boolean Unique Games. The Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing.

Dana Moshkovitz (University of Texas, Austin)
Talk number16862
Source RepositorySimons Institute


We reduce the problem of proving a "Boolean Unique Games Conjecture" (with gap 1-delta vs. 1-C*delta, for any C>1, and sufficiently small delta>0) to the problem of proving a PCP Theorem for a certain non-unique game. In a previous work, Khot and Moshkovitz suggested a candidate reduction (i.e., without a proof of soundness). The current work is the first to provide a reduction along with a proof of soundness. The non-unique game we reduce from is similar to non-unique games for which PCP theorems are known.  Our proof relies on a new, tight, local testing theorem for the low degree part of functions f:R^n-->R in Gaussian space: We show that the low degree part of the restriction of f to a random hyperplane h is extremely close (O(1/n) Euclidean distance) to the restriction of the low degree part of f to h with high probability. This is joint work with Ronen Eldan from the Weizmann Institute.