Dark and shiny dresses around black holes


(2020). Dark and shiny dresses around black holes. SNOLAB. https://scivideos.org/snolab/1002


Dark and shiny dresses around black holes. SNOLAB, Jul. 06, 2020, https://scivideos.org/snolab/1002


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            doi = {},
            url = {https://scivideos.org/snolab/1002},
            author = {},
            keywords = {Physics},
            language = {en},
            title = {Dark and shiny dresses around black holes},
            publisher = {SNOLAB},
            year = {2020},
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Daniele Gaggero
Talk number1002
Source RepositorySNOLAB
Talk Type Scientific Series


The discovery of gravitational wave signals from merger events of massive binary-black-hole (BBH) systems have prompted a renewed debate in the scientific community about the existence of primordial black holes (PBHs) of O(1-100) solar masses. These objects may have formed in the early Universe and could constitute a significant portion of the elusive dark matter that, according to standard cosmology, makes up the majority of the matter content in the universe. I will review the most recent developments of this field, with focus on multi-messenger prospects of detection. In the first part of the talk, I will present the prospects of discovery for both a hypothetical PBH population and the guaranteed population of astrophysical isolated black holes in our Galaxy, based on the radio and X-ray emission from the interstellar gas that is being accreted onto them (the “shiny dresses”). A future detection will be possible thanks to the expected performance of forthcoming radio facilities such as SKA and ngVLA. Then, I will turn my attention to scenarios where primordial black holes constitute a sub-dominant component of the dark matter, and study the impact of dark matter mini-spikes that are expected to form around them (the “dark dresses”) on several observables. In this context, I will first present an updated computation of the PBH merger rate as a function of DM fraction and redshift that takes into account the impact of the dark dresses. Then, I will discuss the observational prospects of these dresses in binary systems composed of a stellar-mass and an intermediate-mass black hole: I will show a novel calculation of the dephasing of the gravitational waveform induced by the DM spike, potentially detectable with the LISA space interferometer.DARK AND SHINY DRESSES AROUND BLACK HOLES DANIELE GAGGERO (UAM)July 6, 2020 Zoom Line: https://laurentian.zoom.us/j/92591146494