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Survey on Sparse Graph Limits + A Toy Example


(2022). Survey on Sparse Graph Limits + A Toy Example. The Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing.

Mei Yin (University of Denver)
Talk number22616
Source RepositorySimons Institute


Abstract The theory of graph limits is an important tool in understanding properties of large networks. We begin the talk with a survey of this theory, concentrating in particular on the sparse setting. We then investigate a power-law random graph model and cast it in the sparse graph limit theory framework. The distinctively different structures of the limit graph are explored in detail in the sub-critical and super-critical regimes. In the sub-critical regime, the graph is empty with high probability, and in the rare event that it is non-empty, it consists of a single edge. Contrarily, in the super-critical regime, a non-trivial random graph exists in the limit, and it serves as an uncovered boundary case between different types of graph convergence.