On Field Theory of Open Strings, Tachyon Condensation and Closed Strings Samson Shatashvili (Yale) strings:20011039
Gauge Invariance and Tachyon Condensation in Open String Field Theory Washington Taylor (MIT) strings:20011042
Tachyon Models and String Field Theory around the Tachyon Vacuum Barton Zwiebach (MIT) strings:20011046
Vertex Algebras and Superconformal Field Theories in Four Dimensions Christopher Beem strings:20191001
On Field Theory of Open Strings, Tachyon Condensation and Closed Strings Samson Shatashvili (Yale) strings:20011039
Gauge Invariance and Tachyon Condensation in Open String Field Theory Washington Taylor (MIT) strings:20011042
Tachyon Models and String Field Theory around the Tachyon Vacuum Barton Zwiebach (MIT) strings:20011046
Vertex Algebras and Superconformal Field Theories in Four Dimensions Christopher Beem strings:20191001