Search results from Strings Conferences
733 - 744 of 864 Results
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Noncritical M-Theory in 2+1 Dimensions as a Nonrelativistic Fermi Liquid
Petr Horava (UC Berkeley)strings:20051037 -
Multi-parameter deformations of AdS_5 x S^5 geometry
Sergey Frolov (Max-Planck-Institut fur Gravitationsphysik Albert-Einstein-Institut, Potsdam)strings:20051039 -
Analysis of QCD via Supergravity
Shigeki Sugimoto (Yukawa Institute for Theoritical Physics, Kyoto University)strings:20051041 -
The Library of Babel: Holography and Quantum Foam
Vijay Balasubramanian (University of Pennsylania)strings:20051044 -
Geometry quantization from supergravity
Vyacheslav Rychkov (ITFA, Universiteit van Amsterdam)strings:20051045 -