Search results from PIRSA
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Quantum tunneling with a Lorentzian path integral
Laura Sberna University of Nottingham
Topological Boundary Modes from Quantum Electronics to Classical Mechanics
Charles Kane University of Pennsylvania
Using quantum computing techniques to detect dark matter axions
Aaron Chou New York University (NYU)
The Alleged Small-Scale Problems of LambdaCDM
Julio Navarro University of Victoria
Rise of non-perturbative effects below the upper critical dimension
Extracting low energy universal data of quantum critical systems is a task whose difficulty increases with decreasing dimension. The increasing strength of quantum fluctuations can be tamed by using renormalization group (RG) schemes based on dimensional regularization close to the upper critical dimension of the system. By presenting a non-perturbative approach that allows the reliable extraction of the low energy universal data for the antiferromagnetic quantum critical metal in $2 \leq d < 3$-spatial dimensions, I will exemplify how an emergent non-commutativity between the low-energy limit and the dimensional limit preempts RG schemes based on dimensional regularization to access the correct low-energy universal data in integer dimensions. -
Quantum tunneling with a Lorentzian path integral
Laura Sberna University of Nottingham
We describe the tunneling of a quantum mechanical particle with a Lorentzian (realtime) path integral. The analysis is made concrete by application to the inverted harmonic oscillator potential, where the path integral is known exactly. We apply Picard-Lefschetz theory to the time integral of the Feynmann propagator at fixed energy, and show that the Euclidean integration contour is obtained as a Lefschetz thimble, or a sum of them, in a suitable limit. Picard-Lefschetz theory is used to make the integral manifestly convergent and is also essential for the saddle point or semiclassical approximation. The very simple example of the inverted harmonic oscillator presents many interesting mathematical features, such as the Stokes phenomenon and multiple relevant complex saddles. We also attempt to construct a more realistic picture of the tunneling process, by allowing for spreading in energy and duration. -
Quantum critical responses via holographic models and conformal perturbation theory
We investigate response functions near quantum critical points, allowing for finite temperature and a mild deformation by a relevant scalar. When the quantum critical point is described by a conformal field theory, we use conformal perturbation theory and holography to determine the two leading corrections to the scalar two-point function and to the conductivity. We build a bridge between the couplings fixed by conformal symmetry with the interaction couplings in the gravity theory. We construct a minimal holographic model that allows us to numerically obtain the response functions at all frequencies, independently confirming the corrections to the high-frequency response functions. In addition to probing the physics of the ultraviolet, the holographic model probes the physics of the infrared giving us qualitative insight into new physics scalings. -
Relative entropy with a twist
Matthew Beach
Quantum relative entropy is a measure of the indistinguishability of two quantum states in the same Hilbert space. I will discuss the relative entropy between a state with periodic boundary conditions and one with twisted boundary conditions for a free 1+1 CFT with c=1. I will also highlight the unresolved discrepancy between analytic and numeric results. -
Quasi-Conformal Quantum Error Correction Codes
Existing proposals for topological quantum computation have encountered
difficulties in recent years in the form of several ``obstructing'' results.
These are not actually no-go theorems but they do present some serious
obstacles. A further aggravation is the fact that the known topological
error correction codes only really work well in spatial dimensions higher
than three. In this talk I will present a method for modifying a higher
dimensional topological error correction code into one that can be embedded
into two (or three) dimensions. These projected codes retain at least some
of their higher-dimensional topological properties. The resulting subsystem
codes are not discrete analogs of TQFTs and as such they evade the usual
obstruction results. Instead they obey a discrete analog of a conformal
symmetry. Nevertheless, there are real systems which have these features,
and if time permits I'll discuss some of these. Many of them exhibit
strange low temperature behaviours that might even be helpful for
establishing finite temperature fault tolerance thresholds.
This research is still very much a work in progress... As such it has
numerous loose ends and open questions for further investigation. These
constructions could also be of interest to quantum condensed matter
theorists and may even be of interest to people who like weird-and-wonderful
spin models in general. -
Donaldson-Thomas transformations for moduli spaces of local systems on surfaces
Kontsevich and Soibelman defined Donaldson-Thomas invariants of a 3d Calabi-Yau category with a stability condition. Any cluster variety gives rise to a family of such categories. Their DT invariants are encapsulated in single formal automorphism of the cluster variety, called the DT-transformation. An oriented surface S with punctures, and a finite number of special points on the boundary give rise to a moduli space, closely related to the moduli space of PGL(m)-local systems on S, which carries a canonical cluster Poisson variety structure. We determine the DT-transformation of this space. This is a joint work with Alexander Goncharov.
Topological Boundary Modes from Quantum Electronics to Classical Mechanics
Charles Kane University of Pennsylvania
Over the past several years, our understanding of topological electronic phases of matter has advanced dramatically. A paradigm that has emerged is that insulating electronic states with an energy gap fall into distinct topological classes. Interfaces between different topological phases exhibit gapless conducting states that are protected topologically and are impossible to get rid of. In this talk we will discuss the application of this idea to the quantum Hall effect, topological insulators, topological superconductors and the quest for Majorana fermions in condensed matter. We will then show that similar ideas arise in a completely different class of problems. Isostatic lattices are arrays of masses and springs that are at the verge of mechanical instability. They play an important role in our understanding of granular matter, glasses and other 'soft' systems. Depending on their geometry, they can exhibit zero-frequency 'floppy' modes localized on their boundaries that are insensitive to local perturbations. The mathematical relation between this classical system and quantum electronic systems reveals an unexpected connection between theories of hard and soft matter.
Using quantum computing techniques to detect dark matter axions
Aaron Chou New York University (NYU)
Quantum non-demolition measurements performed using qubit-based artificial atoms may enable the next generation of higher mass dark matter axion search experiments. These QND measurements can precisely determine the amplitude of the photon wave sourced by the dark matter axions while placing the back reaction noise into the phase quadrature. By evading the standard quantum limit of phase-preserving amplifiers, the QND photon can potentially reduce readout noise by orders of magnitude. Combined with the radio frequency quantum buses to extract the signals, the next generation axion dark matter detector may closely resemble or actually be a multi-qubit quantum computer.
The Alleged Small-Scale Problems of LambdaCDM
Julio Navarro University of Victoria
The Lambda Cold Dark Matter framework successfully accounts for observational constraints on large (> 1 Mpc) scales, from the clustering of galaxies to the angular dependence of the Cosmic Microwave Background to the structure and matter content of galaxy clusters. On the scale of individual galaxies and, in particular, of dwarf systems much fainter than the Milky Way, a number of apparent conflicts with LCDM expectations have been reported. These have prompted the consideration of a number of radical modifications to LCDM, such as the possibility that dark matter might be "self-interacting", or that it might not be “cold”. I will review the status of these alleged problems and will report on recent work that reevaluates the observational evidence and reexamines the role of systematic uncertainties in the comparison between observation and model predictions. In particular, I will propose a possible resolution to the “cusp vs core” problem that requires no cores; an explanation for the mass discrepancy-acceleration relation that requires no changes to LCDM halos; and a plausible tidal origin for the enigmatic population of galaxies inhabiting “extremely cold” dark matter halos, such as the recently discovered Crater 2 satellite.
Ba3Yb2Zn5O11: A model system for anisotropic exchange on the breathing pyrochlore lattice
Jeffrey Rau University of Toronto
In this talk we present a study of the “breathing” pyrochlore compound Ba3Yb2Zn5O11. Due to the nearly decoupled nature of its tetrahedral units, this compound serves as an ideal testbed for exploring the nature of anisotropic exchange in a theoretically and experimentally tractable rare-earth system. The relevant low-energy model of the Yb3+ tetrahedra is parametrized by four anisotropic exchange constants and is capable of reproducing the inelastic neutron scattering data, specific heat, and magnetic susceptibility with high fidelity. Using this model, we predict the appearance of an unusual non-Kramers octupolar paramagnet at low temperatures. We further speculate on possible collective, inter-tetrahedron physics of these non-Kramers doublets and discuss applications to about anisotropic exchange in other rare-earth magnets. -
Experimental evidence for field induced emergent clock anisotropies in the XY pyrochlore Er2Ti2O7
Jonathan Gaudet McMaster University
The XY pyrochlore Er2Ti2O7 has garnered much attention due to the possibility that its ground state selection could originate from an order-by-disorder mechanism [1,2]. However, recently, theoretical work has exploited the fact that the symmetry breaking in this system is a rare case of high discrete symmetry (Z6) [3]. This work studied the effect of a magnetic field on the Z6 symmetry breaking and predicted rich and controllable magnetothermodynamic properties. Indeed, the authors predict numerous domains transitions in the low field regime that strongly depends on the field direction. In this talk, I will present neutron scattering data on Er2Ti2O7 with a magnetic field applied along different high symmetry directions which provides the first experimental evidence for this rich Z6 domain phase behavior [4].