Real-time holography, replicas, and open quantum systems Mukund Rangamani (UC Davis) June 21, 2021 strings:20211014
Bootstrap, EFTs and dispersion relations Leonardo Rastelli (Stony Brook U) June 20, 2021 strings:20211002
S-matrix bootstrap João Penedones (École Polytech. Féd. de Lausanne), Alexander Zhiboedov (CERN) June 20, 2021 strings:20211003
High energy limit of string theory David Gross (KITP/UC Santa Barbara), Gabriele Veneziano (CERN) June 20, 2021 strings:20211004
Subtle points about saddle points in the S-matrix theory Sebastian Mizera (Institute for Advanced Study) June 20, 2021 strings:20211006
The Hilbert space of large N Chern-Simons matter theories Shiraz Minwalla (Tata Inst. for Fundamental Research) June 20, 2021 strings:20211007
Diagnosing collisions in the interior of a wormhole Ying Zhao (Institute for Advanced Study) June 20, 2021 strings:20211008
Celestial holography Andy Strominger (Harvard U), Tomasz Taylor (Northeastern U) January 01, 1970 strings:20211075
Some perspectives on string theory Michael Green (Cambridge U), John Schwarz (Caltech), Edward Witten (Institute for Advanced Study) January 01, 1970 strings:20211076
A geometric approach to black hole spectral theory Alba Grassi (U of Geneva and CERN) January 01, 1970 strings:20211077
Real-time holography, replicas, and open quantum systems Mukund Rangamani (UC Davis) June 21, 2021 strings:20211014
Bootstrap, EFTs and dispersion relations Leonardo Rastelli (Stony Brook U) June 20, 2021 strings:20211002
S-matrix bootstrap João Penedones (École Polytech. Féd. de Lausanne), Alexander Zhiboedov (CERN) June 20, 2021 strings:20211003
High energy limit of string theory David Gross (KITP/UC Santa Barbara), Gabriele Veneziano (CERN) June 20, 2021 strings:20211004
Subtle points about saddle points in the S-matrix theory Sebastian Mizera (Institute for Advanced Study) June 20, 2021 strings:20211006
The Hilbert space of large N Chern-Simons matter theories Shiraz Minwalla (Tata Inst. for Fundamental Research) June 20, 2021 strings:20211007
Diagnosing collisions in the interior of a wormhole Ying Zhao (Institute for Advanced Study) June 20, 2021 strings:20211008
Celestial holography Andy Strominger (Harvard U), Tomasz Taylor (Northeastern U) January 01, 1970 strings:20211075
Some perspectives on string theory Michael Green (Cambridge U), John Schwarz (Caltech), Edward Witten (Institute for Advanced Study) January 01, 1970 strings:20211076
A geometric approach to black hole spectral theory Alba Grassi (U of Geneva and CERN) January 01, 1970 strings:20211077