Search results from PIRSA
15829 - 15840 of 16354 Results
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Observing Trans-Planckian Physics: Status and Prospects
PIRSA:05100059 -
CMB and LSS, now and then, and inflation, then and now
Richard Bond Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)
PIRSA:05100058 -
Cosmology: Playground for Fundamental Physics - Panel Discussion
Cliff Burgess McMaster University
PIRSA:05100057 -
Cosmology and particle physics of flux compactifications
Shamit Kachru Stanford University
PIRSA:05100055 -
Constructions and distributions of string vacua
Frederik Denef Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
PIRSA:05100054 -
Testing the equivalence principle in the dark sector
PIRSA:05100052 -
Spherically symmetric solutions of massive gravity
Cedric Deffayet Université Paris Cité
PIRSA:05100051 -
Cosmology and Gravity at Largest Observable Distances
Georgi Dvali New York University (NYU)
PIRSA:05100050 -
Laboratory tests of the Equivalence Principle and the Inverse Square Law
Eric Adelberger Washington University in St. Louis