Search results in Condensed Matter from PIRSA
1033 - 1044 of 1193 Results
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12/13 PSI - Condensed Matter Review Lecture 5
Alioscia Hamma University of Naples Federico II
12/13 PSI - Condensed Matter Review Lecture 4
Alioscia Hamma University of Naples Federico II
12/13 PSI - Condensed Matter Review Lecture 3
Alioscia Hamma University of Naples Federico II
12/13 PSI - Condensed Matter Review Lecture 2
Alioscia Hamma University of Naples Federico II
12/13 PSI - Condensed Matter Review Lecture 1
Alioscia Hamma University of Naples Federico II
Field-induced thermal transport in BEC antiferromagnets
Alexander Chernyshev University of California, Irvine
Fermionic toric code model and a new class of topological phases in interacting fermion system
Zheng-Cheng Gu Chinese University of Hong Kong