Search results in Condensed Matter from PIRSA
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When topology meets strong interactions in quantum matter
Senthil Todadri Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Bridging partons and coupled-wire approaches to strongly entangled quantum matter
David Mross Weizmann Institute of Science
Field-induced neutral Fermi surfaces and QCD3 quantum criticalities
Liujun Zou National University of Singapore
Multipole gauge theories and fractons
Andrey Gromov University of California, Berkeley
When quantum-information scrambling met quasiprobabilities
Nicole Yunger Halpern National Institute of Standards and Technology
Onset of Random Matrix Statistics in Scrambling Systems
Hrant Gharibyan Stanford University
Theory of entanglement phase transitions and natural error correction in quantum circuits with measurement
Ehud Altman University of California, Berkeley
Firewalls vs. Scrambling
Beni Yoshida Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
On the relation between the magnitude and exponent of OTOCs
Yingfei Gu Harvard University
Shadow of complex fixed point: Approxmiate conformality of Q>4 Potts model
Han Ma Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Spontaneous symmetry breaking from anyon condensation
In the context of quantum spin liquids, it is long known that the condensation of fractionalized excitations will inevitably break certain physical symmetries sometimes. For example, condensing spinons will usually break spin rotation and time reversal symmetries. We generalize these phenomena to generic continuous quantum phase transitions between symmetry enriched topological orders driven by anyon condensation. We provide a generic rule to determine whether a symmetry is enforced to break across an anyon condensation transition. Using a dimensional reduction scheme, we establish a mapping between these symmetry-breaking anyon-condensation transitions in two spatial dimensions, and deconfined quantum criticality in one spatial dimension. -
When topology meets strong interactions in quantum matter
Senthil Todadri Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
The study of strongly interacting quantum matter has been at the forefront of condensed matter research in the last several decades. An independent development is the discovery of topological band insulators. In this talk I will describe phenomena that occur at the confluence of topology and strong interactions. I will first discuss how insights from the study of the relatively simple topological insulators are revolutionizing our theoretical understanding of more complex quantum many body systems. Next I will describe some experimental situations in which both band topology and strong correlations are present, the resulting novel phenomena, and the theoretical challenges they present.
Bridging partons and coupled-wire approaches to strongly entangled quantum matter
David Mross Weizmann Institute of Science
The Hallmark of strongly entangled quantum phases is an intrinsic impossibility to describe them locally in terms of microscopic degrees of freedom. Two popular methods that have been developed to analytically describe these exotic states are known as (1) ‘parton construction’ and (2) ‘coupled-wire approach’. The former provides a constructive route for determining which non-trivial phases may arise, in principle, for a given set of constituent degrees of freedom and symmetries. This capability comes at the expense of having very little predictive power what phases do arise, in practice, in any particular system. The latter technique, by contrast, yields explicit expressions of ground states, excitations as well as parent Hamiltonians in terms of microscopic degrees of freedom. The price to pay is a lack of flexibility, and each phase needs to be analyzed on a laborious case-by-case basis. I will show how recent understanding of two-dimensional dualities provides a natural link between the two approaches. Specifically, I will show how a wide range of parton mean-field states can be easily translated into explicit coupled-wire models, and how their universal properties can be obtained in a transparent manner. -
Field-induced neutral Fermi surfaces and QCD3 quantum criticalities
Liujun Zou National University of Singapore
We perform both numerical and theoretical studies on the phase diagram of the Kitaev materials in the presence of a magnetic field. We find that a new quantum spin liquid state with neutral Fermi surfaces emerges at intermediate field strengths, between the regimes for the non-Abelian chiral spin liquid state and for the trivial polarized state. We discuss the exotic field-induced quantum phase transitions from this new state with neutral Fermi surfaces to its nearby phases. We also theoretically study the field-induced quantum phase transitions from the non-Abelian chiral spin liquid to the symmetry-broken zigzag phase and to the trivial polarized state. Utilizing the recently developed dualities of gauge theories, we find these transitions can be described by critical bosons or gapless fermions coupled to emergent non-Abelian gauge fields, and the critical theories are of the type of a QCD3-Chern-Simons theory. We propose that all these exotic quantum phase transitions can potentially be direct and continuous in the Kitaev materials, and we present sound evidence for this proposal. Therefore, besides being systems with intriguing quantum magnetism, Kitaev materials may also serve as table-top experimental platforms to study the interesting dynamics of emergent strongly interacting quarks and gluons in 2+1 dimensions. Finally, we address the experimental signatures of these phenomena. -
Multipole gauge theories and fractons
Andrey Gromov University of California, Berkeley
I will describe an infinite set of exotic gauge theories that have recently and simultaneously emerged in several a priori unrelated areas of condensed matter physics such as self-correcting quantum memory, topological order in 3+1 dimensions, spin liquids and quantum elasticity. In these theories the gauge field is a symmetric tensor (not to be confused with higher form, which is an anti-symmetric tensor), or in more exotic situations, the gauge fields do not have a well-defined transformation properties under rotations. I will discuss a few exotic features of these theories such as (i) corresponding Gauss law constraints (ii) failure of the gauge invariance in curved space, (iii) the nature of the gauge group, etc. I will also discuss the what kind of matter such theories can couple to. It turns out that the corresponding matter must conserve electric charge and various multipole moments of the electric charge (or number) density. The conservation laws of multipole moments lead to dramatic consequences for the dynamics. I will also discuss how such theories can be obtained by gauging a global symmetry. Finally, I will discuss non-local operators in this type of theories. Remarkably, in addition to more-or-less expected Wilson line and surface operators, such theories exhibit (at least upon discretization on a lattice) non-local operators supported on a space of fractional dimension (in between line and surfaces). -
When quantum-information scrambling met quasiprobabilities
Nicole Yunger Halpern National Institute of Standards and Technology
Two topics have been gaining momentum in different fields of physics: At the intersection of condensed matter and high-energy physics lies the out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC). The OTOC reflects quantum many-body equilibration; chaos; and scrambling, the spread of quantum information through many-body entanglement. In quantum optics and quantum foundations, quasiprobabilities resemble probabilities but can become negative and nonreal. Such nonclassical values can signal nonclassical physics, such as the capacity for superclassical computation. I unite these two topics, showing that the OTOC equals an average over a quasiprobability distribution. The distribution, a set of numbers, contains more information than the OTOC, one number that follows from coarse-graining over the distribution. Aside from providing insight into the OTOC’s fundamental nature, the OTOC quasiprobability has several applications: Theoretically, the quasiprobability interrelates scrambling with uncertainty relations, nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, and chaos. Experimentally, the quasiprobability points to a scheme for measuring the OTOC (via weak measurements, which refrain from disturbing the measured system much). The quasiprobability also signals false positives in attempts to measure scrambling of open systems. Finally, the quasiprobability underlies a quantum advantage in metrology. References • NYH, Phys. Rev. A 95, 012120 (2017). • NYH, Swingle, and Dressel, Phys. Rev. A 97, 042105 (2018). • NYH, Bartolotta, and Pollack, accepted by Comms. Phys. (in press). • Gonzàlez Alonso, NYH, and Dressel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 040404 (2019). • Swingle and NYH, Phys. Rev. A 97, 062113 (2018). • Dressel, Gonzàlez Alonso, Waegell, and NYH, Phys. Rev. A 98, 012132 (2018). • Arvidsson-Shukur, NYH, Lepage, Lasek, Barnes, and Lloyd, arXiv:1903.02563 (2019). -
Onset of Random Matrix Statistics in Scrambling Systems
Hrant Gharibyan Stanford University
The fine grained energy spectrum of quantum chaotic systems, which are widely believed to be characterized by random matrix statistics. A basic scale in these systems is the energy range over which this behavior persists. We defined the corresponding time scale by the time at which the linearly growing ramp region in the spectral form factor begins. We dubbed this ramp time. It is also referred to as the ergodic or Thouless time in the condensed matter physics community. The purpose of my talk is to understand this scale in many-body quantum systems that display strong chaos (such as SYK and spin chain), sometimes referred to as scrambling systems. Using numerical results and analytic estimates for random quantum circuits, I will provide summary of results on scaling of ramp time with system size in the presence/absence of conservation laws. -
Theory of entanglement phase transitions and natural error correction in quantum circuits with measurement
Ehud Altman University of California, Berkeley
Firewalls vs. Scrambling
Beni Yoshida Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Recently we pointed out that the black hole interior operators can be reconstructed by using the Hayden-Preskill recovery protocols. Building on this observation, we propose a resolution of the firewall problem by presenting a state-independent reconstruction of interior operators. Our construction avoids the non-locality problem which plagued the "A=RB" or "ER=EPR" proposals. We show that the gravitational backreaction by the infalling observer, who simply falls into a black hole, disentangles the outgoing mode from the early radiation. The infalling observer crosses the horizon smoothly and sees quantum entanglement between the outgoing mode and the interior mode which is distinct from the originally entangled qubit. Namely, any quantum operation on the early radiation cannot influence the experience of the infalling observer as description of the interior mode does not involve the early radiation at all. We also argue that verification of entanglement by the outside observer does not create a firewall. Instead it will perform the Hayden-Preskill recovery which saves an infalling observer from crossing the horizon. -
On the relation between the magnitude and exponent of OTOCs
Yingfei Gu Harvard University
Shadow of complex fixed point: Approxmiate conformality of Q>4 Potts model
Han Ma Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
In this talk, I will discuss a newly proposed (pseudo-)critical phenomena governed by complex fixed points. I will start with the idea of complex fixed point at complex physical couplings and then introduce the recent conjectured complex conformal field theory with complex conformal data (e.g. central charge and scaling dimensions) which is suggested to describe these complex fixed points. These new concepts are putatively related to many interesting topics, such as the deconfined criticality, walking behavior in the gauge theories, weakly first order phase transitions and so on. Particularly, I will focus on a concrete example of the weakly first order phase transition, the Q>4 Potts model, where we did our numerics and found approximate conformality at intermediate length scale. Our results also give supportive evidence for the complex conformal data proposed based on the conjecture of complex CFT. -
From cold to lukewarm to hot electrons
Andres Schlief Deutsche Bank
I will present a study of the single-particle properties of hot, lukewarm and cold electrons that coexist in the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic quantum critical metal within a unified theory. I will show how to generalize the theory that describes the interaction of critical spin-density wave fluctuations and electrons near the hot spots on the Fermi surface (hot electrons) by including electrons far away from the hot spots (lukewarm and cold electrons). Through an analytically tractable functional renormalization group scheme it will be shown that low-energy electrons are characterized by a universal momentum-dependent quasi-particle weight that decays to zero as the hot spots are approached along the Fermi surface, owing to the coexistence of quasiparticle and non-quasiparticle excitations within the same metallic state. This approach allows to characterize how the global shape of the Fermi surface is renormalized due to the strong interaction between the electrons and the critical spin fluctuations. I will finalize by commenting on the scope of this approach to study properties that are sensitive to the entirety of the Fermi surface, paying special attention to some preliminary results on the superconducting instability of this metallic state.