Search results in Quantum Physics from PIRSA
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Generic ways of quantifying resources
Tomas Gonda Universität Innsbruck
The Planck length as the regime of poor statistics
Achim Kempf University of Waterloo
Entanglement of quantum clocks through gravity
Esteban Castro Ruiz Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Counterfactual communication protocols
Lev Vaidman Tel Aviv University
Models and Tests of Quantum Theory and Gravity
Adrian Kent University of Cambridge
Adiabatic optimization without a priori knowledge of the spectral gap
Performing a quantum adiabatic optimization (AO) algorithm with the time-dependent Hamiltonian H(t) requires one to have some idea of the spectral gap γ(t) of H(t) at all times t. With only a promise on the size of the minimal gap γmin, a typical statement of the adiabatic theorem promises a runtime of either O(γmin-2) or worse. In this talk, I provide an explicit algorithm that, with access to an oracle that returns the spectral gap γ(t) to within some multiplicative constant, reliably performs QAO in time Õ(γmin-1) with at most O(log(γmin-1)) oracle queries. I then construct such an oracle using only computational basis measurements for the toy problem of a complete graph driving Hamiltonian on V vertices and arbitrary cost function. I explain why one cannot simply perform adiabatic Grover search and prove that one can still perform QAO in time Õ(V2/3) without any a priori knowledge of γ(t). This work was done in collaboration with Brad Lackey, Aike Liu, and Kianna Wan.
Generic ways of quantifying resources
Tomas Gonda Universität Innsbruck
Studying the usefulness of resources can be formalized via the framework of a resource theory. However, the complete answer to the question whether a certain resource is more useful than another one is often hard to find in many of the numerous applications of the framework. Approximate answers can be found by identifying so-called monotones—measures of "resourcefulness". I will present several generic constructions of monotones, of which many monotones known in the literature are concrete examples of. These constructions provide a way to relate monotones in different resource theories, thus enabling for the translation of results between them.
Single-shot interpretations of von Neumann entropy
Henrik Wilming ETH Zurich
In quanum physics, the von Neumann entropy usually arises in i.i.d settings, while single-shot settings are commonly characterized by smoothed min- or max-entropies. In this talk, I will discuss new results that give single-shot interpretations to the von Neumann entropy under appropriate conditions. I first present new results that give a single-shot interpretation to the Area Law of entanglement entropy in many-body physics in terms of compression of quantum information on the boundary of a region of space. Then I show that the von Neumann entropy governs single-shot transitions whenever one has access to arbitrary auxiliary systems, which have to remain invariant in a state-transition ("catalysts"), as well as a decohering environment. Getting rid of the decohering environment yields the "catalytic entropy conjecture", for which I present some supporting arguments.
If time permits, I also discuss some applications of these result to thermodynamics and speculate about consequences for quantum information theory and holography.
Coherence distillation machines are impossible in quantum thermodynamics
Iman Marvian Duke University
The role of coherence in quantum thermodynamics has been extensively studied in the recent years and it is now well-understood that coherence between different energy eigenstates is a resource independent of other thermodynamics resources, such as work. A fundamental remaining open question is whether the laws of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics allow the existence a "coherence distillation machine", i.e. a machine that, by possibly consuming work, obtains pure coherent states from mixed states, at a nonzero rate. This question is related to another fundamental question: Starting from many copies of noisy quantum clocks which are (approximately) synchronized with a reference clock, can we distill synchronized clocks in pure states, at a non-zero rate? In this paper we study quantities called "coherence cost" and "distillable coherence", which determine the rate of conversion of coherence in a standard pure state to general mixed states, and vice versa, in the context of quantum thermodynamics. We find that the coherence cost of any state (pure or mixed) is determined by its Quantum Fisher Information (QFI), thereby revealing a novel operational interpretation of this central quantity of quantum metrology. On the other hand, we show that, surprisingly, distillable coherence is zero for typical (full-rank) mixed states. Hence, we establish the impossibility of coherence distillation machines in quantum thermodynamics, which can be compared with the impossibility of perpetual motion machines or cloning machines. To establish this result, we introduce a new additive quantifier of coherence, called the "purity of coherence", and argue that its relation with QFI is analogous to the relation between the free and total energies in thermodynamics.
Entanglement of quantum clocks through gravity
Esteban Castro Ruiz Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
In general relativity, the picture of space–time assigns an ideal clock to each world line. Being ideal, gravitational effects due to these clocks are ignored and the flow of time according to one clock is not affected by the presence of clocks along nearby world lines. However, if time is defined operationally, as a pointer position of a physical clock that obeys the principles of general relativity and quantum mechanics, such a picture is, at most, a convenient fiction. Specifically, we show that the general relativistic mass–energy equivalence implies gravitational interaction between the clocks, whereas the quantum mechanical superposition of energy eigenstates leads to a nonfixed metric background. Based only on the assumption that both principles hold in this situation, we show that the clocks necessarily get entangled through time dilation effect, which eventually leads to a loss of coherence of a single clock. Hence, the time as measured by a single clock is not well defined. However, the general relativistic notion of time is recovered in the classical limit of clocks.
Convex Programming and Machine Learning in Quantum Information: Complementary Methods for Discovery and Verification
Convex optimization, linear and semidefinite programming in particular, has been a standard tool in quantum information theory, giving certificates of local and quantum correlations, contextuality, and more. Increasingly, similar methods are making headways in quantum many-body physics, giving lower bounds -- and thus certificates -- on the ground state energy. The disadvantage of such methods is that they do not scale well to large system sizes, whether those systems are multiparty Bell scenarios or lattice models of numerous sites. Machine
learning is entering the field as the latest buzzword. While it provides a more scalable alternative to convex programming and enables forming new conjectures, the outcome of learning methods remains uncertified. In this talk, I introduce the most important paradigms in machine learning for quantum information theory, give an overview of some earlier work in the field, argue for the importance of certifiable predictions of learning algorithms, and present some of our preliminary results. -
Observers as Primitives
Nuriya Nurgalieva ETH Zurich
Let us suppose that we are trying to build a physical theory of the universe, in order to do so, we have to introduce some primitive notions, on which the theory will be based upon. We explore possible candidates that can be considered to be such "primitives": for example, the structure of the spacetime, or quantum states. However, the examples can be given such that show that these notions are not as objective as we would want them to be. The concept of objectivity, on the other hand, is closedly linked to that one of "an observer", thus, we can at least assign it as a primitive of the theory. Now agents are themselves physical systems, and we should take this into account when we specify the ground rules of what they can do. On the one hand, we take agents and their communication as a primitive of the theory and then see which concepts can be derived from there. On the other hand, we treat agents as quantum systems themselves and investigate what kind of logic applies to their interpersonal reasoning; for that, as a guiding example we use the Frauchiger-Renner thought experiment {1,2}. -
Counterfactual communication protocols
Lev Vaidman Tel Aviv University
Possibility to communicate between spatially separated regions, without even a single photon passing between the two parties, is an amazing quantum phenomenon. The possibility of transmitting one value of a bit in such a way, the interaction-free measurement, was known for quarter of a century. The protocols of full communication, including transmitting unknown quantum states were proposed only few years ago, but it was shown that in all these protocols the particle was leaving a weak trace in the transmission channel, the trace larger than the trace left by a single particle passing through the channel. However, a simple modification of these recent protocols eliminates the trace in the transmission channel and makes all these protocols truly counterfactual. -
Time-delocalized quantum subsystems and operations: on the existence of processes with indefinite causal structure in quantum mechanics
Ognyan Oreshkov Université Libre de Bruxelles
It was recently found that it is theoretically possible for there to exist higher-order quantum processes in which the operations performed by separate parties cannot be ascribed a definite causal order. Some of these processes are believed to have a physical realization in standard quantum mechanics via coherent control of the times of the operations. A prominent example is the quantum SWITCH, which was recently demonstrated experimentally. However, up until now, there has been no rigorous justification for the interpretation of such an experiment as a genuine realization of a process with indefinite causal structure as opposed to a simulation of such a process. Where exactly are the local operations of the parties in such an experiment? On what spaces do they act given that their times are indefinite? Can we probe them directly rather than assume what they ought to be based on heuristic considerations? How can we reconcile the claim that these operations really take place, each once as required, with the fact that the structure of the presumed process implies that they cannot be part of any acyclic circuit? Here, I offer a precise answer to these questions: the input and output systems of the operations in such a process are generally nontrivial subsystems of Hilbert spaces that are tensor products of Hilbert spaces associated with different times—a fact that is directly experimentally verifiable. With respect to these time-delocalized subsystems, the structure of the process is one of a circuit with a cycle, which cannot be reduced to a (possibly dynamical) probabilistic mixture of acyclic circuits. This provides, for the first time, a rigorous proof of the existence of processes with indefinite causal structure in quantum mechanics. I further show that all bipartite processes that obey a recently proposed unitary extension postulate, together with their unitary extensions, have a physical realization on such time-delocalized subsystems, and provide evidence that even more general processes may be physically admissible. These results unveil a novel structure within quantum mechanics, which may have important implications for physics and information processing. -
Models and Tests of Quantum Theory and Gravity
Adrian Kent University of Cambridge
Models that have some but not all features of standard quantum theory can be valuable in several ways, as Bell, Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber-Pearle, Hardy, Spekkens and many others have shown. One is to illuminate quantum theory and shed light on possible reaxiomatisations or reformulations. Another is to suggest experiments that might confirm some untested aspect of quantum theory or point the way to a new theory. I discuss here some models that combine quantum theory and gravity and experimental tests. -
From quantum to cognition in pictures.
Bob Coecke Quantinuum
For well over a decade, we developed an entirely pictorial (and formally rigorous!) presentation of quantum theory [*]. At the present, experiments are being setup aimed at establishing the age at which children could effectively learn quantum theory in this manner. Meanwhile, the pictorial language has also been successful in the study of natural language, and very recently we have started to apply it to model cognition, where we employ GPT-alike models. We present the key ingredients of the pictorial language language as well as their interpretation across disciplines. [*] B. Coecke & A. Kissinger (2017) Picturing Quantum Processes. A first course on quantum theory and diagrammatic reasoning. Cambridge University Press.