Search results in Quantum Physics from PIRSA
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Decay of correlations in long-range interacting systems at non-zero temperature
Senaida Hernandez Santana Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)
Quantum Tasks in Relativistic Spacetime
Emily Adlam Chapman University
The first law of general quantum resource theories
Lidia del Rio University of Zurich
Quantum non-locality from a sequence of experiments perspective
Ariel Bendersky Universidad de Buenos Aires
Untangling entanglement and chaos
Meenu Kumari National Research Council Canada (NRC)
The quantum information of quantum interference
Peter Turner University of Bristol
Classifying the simulation complexities of extended Clifford circuits
Dax Koh Institute of High Performance Computing
No-free-information principle in general probabilistic theories
Martin Plavala Slovak Academy of Sciences - Mathematical Institute
Quantum Statistical Comparison, Quantum Majorization, and Their Applications to Generalized Resource Theories
Francesco Buscemi Nagoya University
The theory of statistical comparison was formulated (chiefly by David Blackwell in the 1950s) in order to extend the theory of majorization to objects beyond probability distributions, like multivariate statistical models and stochastic transitions, and has played an important role in mathematical statistics ever since. The central concept in statistical comparison is the so-called "information ordering," according to which information need not always be a totally ordered quantity, but often takes on a multi-faceted form whose content may vary depending on its use. In this talk, after reviewing the basic ideas of statistical comparison with an emphasis on their operational character, I will discuss various generalizations to quantum theory (and beyond). I will then argue that quantum statistical comparison provides a natural framework, somehow complementary to semi-definite programming, to study quantum resource theories, with explicit examples given by the resource theories of quantum nonlocality, quantum communication, and quantum thermodynamics.
Decay of correlations in long-range interacting systems at non-zero temperature
Senaida Hernandez Santana Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)
We study correlations in fermionic systems with long-range interactions in thermal equilibrium. We prove an upper-bound on the correlation decay between anti-commut-ing operators based on long-range Lieb-Robinson type bounds. Our result shows that correlations between such operators in fermionic long-range systems of spatial dimension $D$ with at most two-site interactions decaying algebraically with the distance with an exponent $\alpha \geq 2\,D$, decay at least algebraically with an exponent arbitrarily close to $\alpha$. Our bound is asymptotically tight, which we demonstrate by numerically analysing density-density correlations in a 1D quadratic (free, exactly solvable) model, the Kitaev chain with long-range interactions. Away from the quantum critical point correlations in this model are found to decay asymptotically as slowly as our bound permits.
Numerical decomposition of finite dimensional group representations
Denis Rosset Romande Energie
Group representations are ubiquitous in quantum information theory. Many important states or channels are invariant under particular symmetries: for example depolarizing channels, Werner states, isotropic states, GHZ states. Accordingly, computations involving those objects can be simplified by invoking the symmetries of the problem. For that purpose, we need to know which irreducible representations appear in the problem, and how. Decomposing a representation is a hard problem; however, we can cheat and use numerical techniques to approximate the change of basis matrix -- and even recover exact results.
Quantum Mechanics without Wave Functions: a Signed Particle Formulation
Recently, a new formulation of quantum mechanics was suggested which is based on the evolution of classical particles, provided with a sign, rather than standard wave functions. This allows several advantages over other approaches: from a theoretical perspective, it offers a more intuitive framework while, from a numerical point of view, it allows the simulation of complex systems with relatively small computational resources. In this talk, I will first go through the tenets of this new approach. In particular, I will focus on the derivation of such theory and the peculiar view it provides in the passage from the quantum to the classical regime. Then, I will discuss the various applications which have been performed so far, especially for systems of Fermions. Finally, a list of possible future works will be presented and discussed.
Quantum Tasks in Relativistic Spacetime
Emily Adlam Chapman University
In this talk I will set out two new contributions to the study of operational tasks in a relativistic quantum setting. First, I will present a generalisation of the task known as ‘summoning,’ in which an unknown quantum state is supplied to an agent and must be returned at a specified point when a corresponding call is made. I will show that when this task is generalised to allow for more than one call to be made, an apparent paradox arises: the extra freedom makes it strictly harder to complete the task. Second, I will describe a quantum generalisation of the classic cryptographic task known as ‘zero-knowledge-proving.’ I will show that there exists no perfectly secure quantum relativistic protocol for this task, and I will then set out a protocol which is conjectured to be close to optimal in security for this task. These results have practical applications for distributed quantum computing and cryptography and also interesting implications for our understanding of relativistic quantum information and its localisation in spacetime.
The first law of general quantum resource theories
Lidia del Rio University of Zurich
From arXiv: 1806.04937, with Carlo Sparaciari, Carlo Maria Scandolo, Philippe Faist and Jonathan Oppenheim
We extend the tools of quantum resource theories to scenarios in which multiple quantities (or resources) are present, and their interplay governs the evolution of the physical systems. We derive conditions for the interconversion of these resources, which generalise the first law of thermodynamics. We study reversibility conditions for multi-resource theories, and find that the relative entropy distances from the invariant sets of the theory play a fundamental role in the quantification of the resources. The first law for general multi-resource theories is a single relation which links the change in the properties of the system during a state transformation and the weighted sum of the resources exchanged. In fact, this law can be seen as relating the change in the relative entropy from different sets of states. In contrast to typical single-resource theories, the notion of free states and invariant sets of states become distinct in light of multiple constraints. Additionally, generalisations of the Helmholtz free energy, and of adiabatic and isothermal transformations, emerge.
Chris Cade: Post-selected classical query complexity
The precise relationship between post-selected classical and
post-selected quantum computation is an open problem in complexity
theory. Post-selection has proven to be a useful tool in uncovering some
of the differences between quantum and classical theories, in
foundations and elsewhere. This is no less true in the area of
computational complexity -- quantum computations augmented with
post-selection are thought to be vastly more powerful than their
classical counterparts. However, the precise reasons why this might be
the case are not well understood, and no rigorous separations between
the two have been found. In this talk, I will consider the difference in
computational power of classical and quantum post-selection in the
computational query complexity setting.
We define post-selected classical query algorithms, and relate them to
rational approximations of Boolean functions; in particular, by showing
that the post-selected classical query complexity of a Boolean function
is equal to the minimal degree of a rational function with nonnegative
coefficients that approximates it (up to a factor of two). For
post-selected quantum query algorithms, a similar relationship was shown
by Mahadev and de Wolf, where the rational approximations are allowed to
have negative coefficients. Using our characterisation, we find an
exponentially large separation between post-selected classical query
complexity and post-selected quantum query complexity, by proving a
lower bound on the degree of rational approximations to the Majority
function. -
Quantum non-locality from a sequence of experiments perspective
Ariel Bendersky Universidad de Buenos Aires
One long standing question on quantum non-locality is the quest for an informational principle explaining quantum correlations. Many candidates for such a principle have been proposed with partial success, but none fully explaining quantum correlation. Most of these principles rely on the analysis of the multipartite conditional probabilities. In this talk I will briefly review a few results we had when, instead of analysing multipartite probabilities, we analysed sequences of results from non-local boxes. First, that non-local deterministic boxes cannot be computable. Second, that pseudorandom inputs allow for a local model explaining non-local correlations. Finally, I will present a simple principle that rules out many non-physical sequences of experiments, and a unified view of local and non-signalling correlations based on sequences.
Untangling entanglement and chaos
Meenu Kumari National Research Council Canada (NRC)
How does classical chaos affect the generation of quantum entanglement? What signatures of chaos exist at the quantum level and how can they be quantified? These questions have puzzled physicists for a couple of decades now. We answer these questions in spin systems by analytically establishing a connection between entanglement generation and a measure of delocalization of a quantum state in such systems. While delocalization is a generic feature of quantum chaotic systems, it is more nuanced in regular systems. We explore when the quantum dynamics mimics a localized classical trajectory, and find criteria to quantify Bohr's correspondence principle in periodically driven spin systems. These criteria are typically violated in a deep quantum regime due to delocalized evolution. Using our criteria, we establish that entanglement is a signature of chaos only in a semiclassical regime. Our work provides a new approach to analyzing quantum chaos and designing systems that can efficiently generate entanglement. This work has been done in collaboration with Prof. Shohini Ghose.
References: arXiv:1806.10545 (2018) and PRE 97, 052209 (2018).
The quantum information of quantum interference
Peter Turner University of Bristol
Recent advances in scaling photonics for universal quantum computation spotlight the need for a thorough understanding of practicalities such as distinguishability in multimode quantum interference. Rather than the usual second quantized approach, we can bring quantum information concepts to bear in first quantization. Distinguishability can then be modelled as entanglement between photonic degrees of freedom, where loss of interference is caused by decoherence due to correlations with an environment carried by the particles themselves. This shows that multiparticle, multimode Fock states can have natural Schmidt decompositions, corresponding to what has been called unitary-unitary duality in the representation theory of many-body physics.
We present results along two lines:
(i) Generalised Hong-Ou-Mandel interference as unambiguous state discrimination (arXiv:1806.01236, with S. Stanisic); we find optimised interferometers that discriminate between indistinguishable and interesting distinguishable states by projecting onto non-symmetric irreps of the unitary group of interferometers. We give analytic and numerical results for up to nine photons in nine modes.
(ii) Quantum simulation of noisy boson sampling (arXiv:1803.03657, with A. Moylett); we provide quantum circuits that simulate bosonic sampling with arbitrarily distinguishable particles, based on the quantum Schur-Weyl transform. This makes clear how particle distinguishabililty leads to decoherence in the standard quantum circuit model. We show how ideal samples can be postselected, how photon loss can also be modelled, and how standard results in the classical simulation of noisy quantum computations fail to apply to the boson sampling case. -
Classifying the simulation complexities of extended Clifford circuits
Dax Koh Institute of High Performance Computing
Extended Clifford circuits straddle the boundary between classical and quantum computational power. Whether such circuits are efficiently classically simulable seems to depend delicately on the ingredients of the circuits. While some combinations of ingredients lead to efficiently classically simulable circuits, other combinations, which might just be slightly different, lead to circuits which are likely not. We extend the results of Jozsa and Van den Nest [Quantum Inf. Comput. 14, 633 (2014)] by studying various further extensions of Clifford circuits. First, we consider how the classical simulation complexity changes when we allow for more general measurements. Second, we investigate different notions of what it means to "classically simulate" a quantum circuit. Third, we consider the class of conjugated Clifford circuits, where one conjugates every qubit in a Clifford circuit by the same single-qubit gate. Our results provide more examples where seemingly modest changes to the ingredients of Clifford circuits lead to "large" changes in the classical simulation complexities of the circuits, and also include new examples of extended Clifford circuits that are potential candidates for "quantum supremacy". Based on Quantum Inf. Comput. 17, 0262 (2017) and proceedings of CCC’18 pp.21:1–21:25 (2018) (joint work with Adam Bouland and Joseph F. Fitzsimons).
No-free-information principle in general probabilistic theories
Martin Plavala Slovak Academy of Sciences - Mathematical Institute
In quantum theory, the no-information-without-disturbance and no-free-information principles express that those observables that do not disturb the measurement of another observable and those that can be measured jointly with any other observable must be trivial, i.e., coin tossing observables. We show that in the framework of general probabilistic theories these principles do not hold in general. In this way, we obtain characterizations of the probabilistic theories where these principles hold and we show that the two principles are not equivalent.