Search results in Quantum Physics from PIRSA
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Perimeter Greeting
Paul Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Introduction & Welcoming Remarks
James Shaffer Quantum Valley Ideas Laboratories
Quantum nonlocality without entanglement via indefinite causal order
Ravi Kunjwal Funds for Scientific Research - FNRS
Quantum Reference Frames for Superpositions of Spacetimes
Anne-Catherine de la Hamette University of Vienna
On nonlinear transformations in quantum computation
Zoe Holmes Los Alamos National Laboratory
Resource theory of quantum complexity
Anthony Munson University of Maryland, College Park
Quantum networks self-test all entangled states
Ivan Supic The French National Centre for Scientific Research
Causal aspects of quantum information in quantum gravity
Alex May Perimeter Institute
Neural Network Decoders for Measurement-Induced Phase Transitions
Michael Gullans University of Maryland, College Park
Observation of a molecular bond between ions and Rydberg atoms using a high-resolution pulsed ion microscope
Tilman Pfau University of Stuttgart
"We present our recent studies on Rydberg atom-Ion interactions and the spatial imaging of a novel type of molecular ion using a high-resolution ion microscope. The ion microscope provides an exceptional spatial and temporal resolution on a single atom level, where a highly tuneable magnification ranging from 200 to over 1500, a resolution better than 200nm and a depth of field of more than 70µm were demonstrated [1]. A pulsed operation mode of the microscope combined with the excellent electric field compensation enables the study of highly excited Rydberg atoms and ion-Rydberg atom hybrid systems. Using the ion microscope, we observed a novel molecular ion, where the bonding mechanism is based on the interaction between the ionic charge and an induced flipping dipole of a Rydberg atom [2]. Furthermore, we could measure the vibrational spectrum and spatially resolve the bond length and the angular alignment of the molecule. The excellent time resolution of the microscope enables probing of the interaction dynamics between the Rydberg atom and the ion. [1] C. Veit, N. Zuber, O. A. Herrera-Sancho, V. S. V. Anasuri, T. Schmid, F. Meinert, R. Löw, and T. Pfau, Pulsed Ion Microscope to Probe Quantum Gases, Phys. Rev. X 11, 011036 (2021). [2] N. Zuber, V. S. V. Anasuri, M. Berngruber, Y.-Q. Zou, F. Meinert, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Spatial imaging of a novel type of molecular ions, Nature 5, 453 (2022)" -
Perimeter Greeting
Paul Smith Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Introduction & Welcoming Remarks
James Shaffer Quantum Valley Ideas Laboratories
Quantum nonlocality without entanglement via indefinite causal order
Ravi Kunjwal Funds for Scientific Research - FNRS
I will discuss a recent result on an intimate link between two a priori distinct phenomena: quantum nonlocality without entanglement and classically-achievable indefinite causal order. The first phenomenon refers to a multipartite scenario where the parties are unable to perfectly discriminate orthogonal product states drawn from an ensemble of quantum states by using local operations and classical communication (LOCC). The second (hypothetical) phenomenon refers to a multipartite scenario where the parties can communicate classically but the local operations of each party are in the future of the other parties, i.e., they cannot be ordered causally. Specifically, I will show how three separated parties with access to a classical process exhibiting indefinite causal order---the AF/BW process---can perfectly discriminate the states in an ensemble---the SHIFT ensemble---that exhibits quantum nonlocality without entanglement. Time permitting, I will discuss the generalization of this result beyond the tripartite case and comment on its connection with separable operations that are outside LOCC.
Based on joint work with Ämin Baumeler, arXiv:2202.00440.
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Atomic clock interferometers: a test for a quantum generalization of Einstein’s Equivalence Principle and a quantum sensing analysis
Carlo Cepollaro Austrian Academy of Sciences
It is unknown how the Einstein Equivalence Principle (EEP) should be modified to account for quantum features. A possibility introduced in arXiv:2012.13754 is that the EEP holds in a generalized form for particles having an arbitrary quantum state. The core of this proposal is the ability to transform to a Quantum Reference Frame (QRF) associated to an arbitrary quantum state of a physical system, in which the metric is locally inertial. I will show that this extended EEP, initially formulated in terms of the local expression of the metric field in a QRF, can be verified in an interferometric setup via tests on the proper time of entangled clocks (arXiv:2112.03303). Moreover, the same setup can be analyzed with quantum sensing techniques (arXiv:2204.03006): I will talk about how gravitational time dilation may be used as a resource in quantum information theory, showing that it may enhance the precision in estimating the gravitational acceleration for long interferometric times.
Quantum Reference Frames for Superpositions of Spacetimes
Anne-Catherine de la Hamette University of Vienna
The current theories of quantum physics and general relativity on their own do not allow us to study situations in which spacetime is in a quantum superposition. In this talk, I propose a general strategy to determine the dynamics of objects on an indefinite spacetime metric, using an extended notion of quantum reference frame transformations. First, we study the situation of the gravitational source mass being in a spatial superposition state and, using a generalized principle of covariance, show how to transform to a frame in which the standard theories of GR and QFT allow to determine the dynamics. In the second part, we consider superpositions of conformally equivalent metrics inhabited by a massive quantized Klein-Gordon field. By requiring invariance of the KG equation under quantum conformal transformations, we find that the superposition is transferred to the quantum field in the form of an effective, spacetime dependent mass term. Overall, the proposed strategy allows to construct the respective explicit quantum frame change operators, and to study physical phenomena such as time dilation and cosmological particle production in different quantum frames.
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On nonlinear transformations in quantum computation
Zoe Holmes Los Alamos National Laboratory
While quantum computers are naturally well-suited to implementing linear operations, it is less clear how to implement nonlinear operations on quantum computers. However, nonlinear subroutines may prove key to a range of applications of quantum computing from solving nonlinear equations to data processing and quantum machine learning. Here we develop algorithms for implementing nonlinear transformations of input quantum states. Our algorithms are framed around the concept of a weighted state, a mathematical entity describing the output of an operational procedure involving both quantum circuits and classical post-processing.
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Resource theory of quantum complexity
Anthony Munson University of Maryland, College Park
Quantum complexity is emerging as a key property of many-body systems, including black holes, topological materials, and early quantum computers. A state's complexity quantifies the number of computational gates required to prepare the state from a simple tensor product. The greater a state's distance from maximal complexity, or ``uncomplexity,'' the more useful the state is as input to a quantum computation. Separately, resource theories -- simple models for agents subject to constraints -- are burgeoning in quantum information theory. We unite the two domains, confirming Brown and Susskind's conjecture that a resource theory of uncomplexity can be defined. The allowed operations, fuzzy operations, are slightly random implementations of two-qubit gates chosen by an agent. We formalize two operational tasks, uncomplexity extraction and expenditure. Their optimal efficiencies depend on an entropy that we engineer to reflect complexity. We also present two monotones, uncomplexity measures that decline monotonically under fuzzy operations, in certain regimes. This work unleashes on many-body complexity the resource-theory toolkit from quantum information theory.
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Quantum networks self-test all entangled states
Ivan Supic The French National Centre for Scientific Research
Certifying quantum properties with minimal assumptions is a fundamental problem in quantum information science. Self-testing is a method to infer the underlying physics of a quantum experiment only from the measured statistics. While all bipartite pure entangled states can be self-tested, little is known about how to self-test quantum states of an arbitrary number of systems. Here, we introduce a framework for network-assisted self-testing and use it to self-test any pure entangled quantum state of an arbitrary number of systems. The scheme requires the preparation of a number of singlets that scales linearly with the number of systems, and the implementation of standard projective and Bell measurements, all feasible with current technology. When all the network constraints are exploited, the obtained self-testing certification is stronger than what is achievable in any Bell-type scenario. Our work does not only solve an open question in the field but also shows how properly designed networks offer new opportunities for the certification of quantum phenomena.
Causal aspects of quantum information in quantum gravity
Alex May Perimeter Institute
Quantum information science was initially motivated by questions about information processing. For example, what are the consequences of quantum mechanics for computation? Or for cryptography? More recently, quantum information has also become a perspective through which we can study questions in theoretical physics more broadly, including in condensed matter and quantum gravity. While quantum information considers the constraints of quantum mechanics, there are additional constraints on information implied by relativity. In particular, it is impossible to send information faster than the speed of light. In this talk, I consider constraints on information processing imposed by quantum mechanics and relativity together, and the consequences of these constraints for quantum gravity. Doing so reveals novel aspects of how gravitational degrees of freedom can be recorded into a quantum mechanical system, and how an extra dimension can be recorded into ``holographic'' field theories.
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Neural Network Decoders for Measurement-Induced Phase Transitions
Michael Gullans University of Maryland, College Park
The sustained storage, transmission, or processing of quantum information will likely be a non-equilibrium process that requires monitoring the system and applying some form of feedback to produce fault-tolerance. In this talk, I will discuss a class of models based on random quantum circuits with intermediate measurements that display a similar phenomenology to standard models for fault-tolerance, including the existence of a threshold, but with several helpful simplifications. However, naïve realizations of the threshold require an exponential number of repetitions of the experiment to fully explore the output space of the intermediate measurements. Recently, it has been proposed that this problem can be circumvented by developing efficient entanglement “decoders” that have close parallels to quantum error correction decoders. We show how to leverage modern machine learning tools to devise a neural network decoder to detect the phase transition. We then study the complexity and scalability of this approach and discuss how it can be utilized to detect entanglement phase transitions in generic experiments.
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Quantum error correction meets continuous symmetries: fundamental trade-offs and case studies
Quantum error correction and symmetries are two key notions in quantum information and physics. The competition between them has fundamental implications in fault-tolerant quantum computing, many-body physics and quantum gravity. We systematically study the competition between quantum error correction and continuous symmetries associated with a quantum code in a quantitative manner. We derive various forms of trade-off relations between the quantum error correction inaccuracy and three types of symmetry violation measures. We introduce two frameworks for understanding and establishing the trade-offs based on the notions of charge fluctuation and gate implementation error. From the perspective of fault-tolerant quantum computing, we demonstrate fundamental limitations on transversal logical gates. We also analyze the behaviors of two near-optimal codes: a parametrized extension of the thermodynamic code, and quantum Reed–Muller codes.
Zoom Link: TBD